CHAPTER 43 | Court |

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                                                                                      WINTER POV

I sat by myself in boredom as I awaited company. At Least they gave me a tennis ball. Of course it was still boring. There was nothing to it. I sighed as I threw it up and down in the air. It was around the afternoon where I thought nothing would erupt. 

Until I heard a loud banging sound. The sound of dangling keys echoed throughout the silent hallway. Someone had stopped before my door. 

" What?" I barked, curious what they wanted. 

" Court time." They stated blandly and unlocked the medal door. I raised my head at the door knowing I could escape but of course I would get caught in seconds. Plus it wouldn't help me win in court. I dropped the ball and pulled myself up where I immediately had my hands to my back and cuffed. 

" Let's go." 

They took me away just like that.


I sat in my court seat as I awaited for the others. My hands were still cuffed but in front of me this time. Two cops stood near me while my lawyer sat beside me. It was the same person earlier, Watson. He explained to me what to say and do while we waited. " You understand?" I nodded. " Of course." He nodded and gave a smile. " Alright, remember what I said and remember to keep yourself in." That's when the others came in. I guess it's time.


" Alright, even though you'll most likely get charged for the injuries, we might have a chance to get you out of jail." 

" Yeah right. Like I got a chance between Bigtail. I might as well kill him this time-" 

" SHHHHH!! DON'T SAY THAT!! WHAT IF THEY HEARD YOU!" The whispered-shouted. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 

" Fine, can I just get back to my cell?" They shook their head in a no. 

" Nope, we have to talk about this." He pushed me down as I tried to get up from my seat. 

" Look, the explanations and evidence they had literally almost got you in jail already, it was the first one! We have to find an excuse for this. It doesn't even have to be so related to it anyways, as long as it's related to you then we could maybe change the judges and jury minds. Got anything?" He looked at me hoping for an answer. I glanced at him thinking. It's time isn't it. If I kept it for over 10 years, I think I could tell by now. 

" I do." 

" And what is that?" I sighed. 

" My father."



Ah, sh!t, sh!t, SH!T! I slammed my fist to the table and winced it back. I'm so stupid! I sighed deeply in pain and frustration. My hand quivered by the shock while my brain was going up and down. Why was I so nervous?! I felt like I was going to crap my pants just looking at him! I knew after that fight and the hospital had given me the biggest traumatization of my life. 

I was sitting in a small booth in a friendly restaurant while my lawyer was ordering some drinks. 

" Oh, gosh..." I glanced at my casted arm and ankle. Ugh, I was so stupid! I brushed my mask in anticipation. The mask was hiding my stitches and still swollen face with my sunglasses too. Why did he have to say that... That's when I heard a small dangle. 

" Got our drinks." My lawyer passed me a small soda as they drank their beer. 

" I got some food if you want any after it's ready." I shook my head. 

" I'm good." I leaned my head by the wall, closing my eyes. 

" Get up, if you want to win this court your going to have to be up and ready." He stated, pulling out the papers. I blew out a raspberry and brought him my attention. 

" After the first court session we got about~... A Thirty chance of winning." 

" THIRTY!?" I shouted loudly enough to almost cause the whole place to be silent. 

" Quiet down, and yes. Thirty percent chance." 

" How?? I'm pretty sure charges could've got us to win the whole thing!" He sighed. 

" Look, we won half the charges. The half we won was paying for the hospital bills and assault but you said you want to win the whole thing, correct?" 

" Of course." 

" Then that's the problem." He then shuffled through his papers. 

" You started it, so we only won half of the assault and bullying. Through the school years you bullied and assaulted half of the students of the school. And one of them was Winter. So clearly, you were the one who assaulted him. Plus you literally forced him to fight you. So, you pretty much lose almost the whole thing unless we got the best excuse in the world." I groaned knowing he was right. Now how am I going to win this!? 

" But, we did have a lie we could use." 

" And what's that?" He passed me a picture. A picture with someone I'm familiar with. 

" This girl, we could use her. Say that the other guy was going to do something 'bad' to her. And nowadays, people believe in any lie like that." He smiled. 

" That's Perfect."



I fidgeted my fingers recklessly as my mind drifted far away. No, no no, I can't see him again. I hid away a tear quickly before I got too emotional. My legs quivered slightly as my eyes were glued to my shoes. The car was silent as it drove. 

" Were here." I jumped in surprised by his voice. 

" O- oh, ye- yeah.." The door made a small clicking sound. I puffed out a shaky breath and opened the door and got out of the car. My first look outside of the car was the enormous mansion. I can't stand looking at this place again.. We headed for the front door in silence. 

After a minute we got to the door. 

" Alright, we're here. Knock on the door." I nodded, lifting my fist slowly to the door. Do it! I knocked three times gently, the door knocking echoing throughout the house. I could hear the loud footsteps heading for the door. 

Please don't answer, please don't answer. 

And the door clicked open. 

The door slowly swung open in my eyes.

 And the big shadow overcame me. 

The dark evil arctic eyes stared me down. 

My legs quivered again with my fingers flicking around. 

" Hello."

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