CHAPTER 25 | Love jumper |

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As the night fell the day grew. A small tint of light grew through the tiny shaped window across the room. The sunlight lit the room very lightly. The TV had shut off during the night, showing a black screen reflecting the friends sleeping. Around 5 AM one of the many friends slowly flutters around, waking slowly. 

He'd give a big yawn, rubbing their droopy eyelids. And the one was Qibli. He'd stretched his back and arm, scanning the dark room. Everyone else was still snoozing. I guess I woke up early.. He yawned once again and sat up. He checked Umber who was fast asleep under the covers, a small adorable snore escaping from her. 

He'd smiled and pat her fluffy head. She's so cute when sleeping. He'd checked the others, Kinkajou was in a restless position with her legs on top of Turtle's back. He seemed to be comfortable though. He turned his head back to check Moon and Winter for a very surprising scene. Moon was snuggling Winter's arm with her head resting on his chest and Winter's arm around her back with his head resting on top of her shoulder. 

Qibli eyebrows shot up with his eyes frozen in shock. He wasn't jealous- he was just shocked. Moon was a very shy girl while Winter was a mysterious guy that's secretly cool. He had to take a picture. He reached for his phone where it was charging on the TV stand. He yanked it off the charger and rushed to unlock and get to the app. He got the camera out but to take a picture he needed more light. I can turn on the flashlight for a second. Maybe they won't notice. 

He turned the flashlight mode on the camera and took a few shots. He turned off the flashlight and reviewed the pictures. Awwww, they are so cute together! Qibli stared at the picture until a memory crossed his mind.

" You barely gave us anything, I thought you would promise." " I-'' The girl interrupted her. " No no, look- you can make it up to us." " How?" He questioned. " Give us a picture. Just telling us won't give us enough evidence. A picture or voice recording is the best way to help us." He saw a small wicked smile across her face. " Please?" Qibli thought. He was his best friend- well sordave. But- " If you don't help us you won't get what you want." The other girl started. " It has to be real. If it's fake.. Y'know what will happen." She creeped to his ear. " Your little boyfriend will get hurt." She pulled back and smiled at him- but not a smile. A wicked smile behind it. Qibli nodded. " Great, oh and by the way- here's my number so you can text me anytime."

Qibli quivered by the flashback, the phone still frozen to his hand. He took a glance at Umber and thought. I have to. He thought of a plan and went through his phone. He was going to send the picture. He had to. He made a promise.



He woke up with something pressed on his chest and arm. He fluttered his eyes open slowly with a small yawn. Everyone else seemed to be at least half awake. Winter looked down and nearly jumped in shock. Moon was snuggling him

He knew he felt his breath hitch. He didn't know what to do AT ALL. Do I push her away!? Do I wake her up!? Do I stay here!? Do I hug her!? His mind raced with billions of questions popping here and there. Moon then shuffled slightly on him and went back to deep sleep. Her torso went up and down slowly, copying her breaths. He had to admit- she looked adorable while sleeping. Her small breathing, her small smile. Winter- get ahold of yourself! Moon shuffled once again but a little too close. 

She was more up to his face, right up to his neck at least. He felt the small breathing on his neck causing himself to nearly melt. Nope nope! He tried to push Moon carefully away but all it caused was her to stick to him more. Damn she's a deep sleeper. 

He heard a small flash sound and checked what it was. Kinkajou was on her phone with a big smile across her face. 

" Hm?" Kinkajou puckered her lips with a smile trying to act innocent. 

" Delete that now." Kinkajou raised an eyebrow with a smirk. 

" What you gonna do? Come up and steal my phone and delete it?" She waved her phone. 

" Come and delete it." Kinkajou teased, still with the smirk across her face. He knew what she was doing. She knew if he had gotten up he would've woken Moon up. Which she somehow figured that he didn't want to. He glared at her as she went back to her phone, admiring the picture. This rainbow glitter bomb...


After a bit more of his friends groaned and started stretching. He had to get Moon off of him. There's no other choice- I have to wake her up. Winter nudged Moon slightly. 

" Moon, wake up." He'd whispered. " Mmm." She rustled around, fluttering with her eyes until she got used to the light. She yawned cutely- Did I just think of that!?  She rubbed her eyes and looked around, herself still laying on Winter. She looked back with a jump. She immediately hopped off of Winter in shock. 

" S- sor- sorry!" Moon apologized, still recovering from her shock. 

" No no! It- it's okay! You asked me last night anyway!" Winter exclaimed. " St- still!" 

" What's with all the racket guys?" Umber muttered, yawning and rubbing his eyes as he just woke up. 

" Moon trying to deny she was snuggling with Winter last night but Winter saying it's okay so he could snuggle again :>" Kinkajou spoke quickly with her legs wapping the air and a wicked but innocent smile on her face. Moon and Winter blushed beet red (hard to tell for Winter tho), giving a big distance away from each other. 

" Y'know Kink is just over exxastering." Turtle said, patting Kink's messy hair. Turtle gave Winter a secret wink. Thank gosh Turtle saved me. " Mmm, whatever.." Umber buried her face back on her pillow and went back to her deep slumber. Qibli and Turtle gave each other 'that' look. Kinkajou just rolled her eyes and got up to the bathroom. 

" Well... Whatever Turtle says I'ma believe." Qibli also did the same with Umber and went back to slumber. 

" Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret." Moon and Winter nodded as Turtle went back to sleep. They focused back on each other. What do I say? 

" Um.. Sorry." Moon whispered, fiddling with her fingers. Winter let his body soften up. He let out a small shaky breath. 

" It's fine, you already asked and plus it was okay." Winter explained. Moon nodded and shutted her eyes, exhaling. I should comfort her, that's what Turtle says to do after someone gets troubled. Winter thought for a moment. Am I really taking Turtle tips? Winter ignored that thought and sat next to Moon. He'd hesitated. Just do it! 

Without hesitation he'd seized Moon's soft hands into his. Moon came out of her meditation and stared at their paired hands. A blush aroused her face but she stayed still. After a minute of no movements and sounds Moon made the first move. She laid her head onto his shoulder and shut her eyes again. What is she doing? 

Winter noticed Moon had fallen asleep already. He'd pull away from Moon and laid her down gently pulling a blanket to cover her. I guess I'll sleep on the other couch. Before he could do anything he saw Moon shuffling uncomfortably. If anyone saw this I would be dead. 

Winter shifted behind Moon quietly and laid right there holding her hand. He'd shut his eyes slowly but before he felt a smile- across his face under his mask. Maybe a smile of happiness and warmth?


Throughout the day at Qibli's house was pretty fun. Turns out Smolder was a pretty cool and funny guy- kinda like Qibli if you tried to compare them together. They'd gone to the hill park where it took place on an enormous hill. They'd play around the playground and a bit of rolling down the hill. It was fun. 

The first fun he had in a long time.


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