CHAPTER 33 | Help! |

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                                                                                     MOON POV

She took an exhale of fresh air as she took her walk to the dorms. It was around 8 PM at night where she had just finish a date night with Winter. She had to say, it went perfect. Ending with a good night kiss. She sighed happily as she remembered how it went. 

Night had fallen when she left, the campus lights were shimmering the sidewalks. Her footstep were making small sounds as she was texting on her phone. She was texting to Kinkajou who was very super stiticous.

KINKAJOU: So, where were you..?

MOON: For the last time, just some studying with Winter.

KINKAJOU: Only studying.. 😏


KINKAJOU: Hehehhe, I'm joking. Hope it went well though!

MOON: Thanks.

KINKAJOU: Oop, gotta go! Give Winter a goodnight kiss!


Moon snickered by Kinkajou texts, knowing as her always goofy self. She continued to scroll through her phone, trusting her surroundings. What she hadn't know was the dark figure slowly but silently creeping closer and closer. While she scrolled through she felt a presence near her. Her instincts was to turn back and she did just that. 

As she turned she saw nothing but the street lights. Must.. Must be my imagination. (SPONGEBOB: IMAGINATION~ (MAKING A RAINBOW) She twisted back as she continued her stroll. Her senses were high due to the tense she felt. Though, all she could hear was the small breezes of the trees and the sight of the sidewalk with moths hovering above the street lights. 

" Must be nothin-" Rough hands hauled her back with a kick into the back of the knee. She stumbled down as a towel covered her mouth. She tried struggling and twisting through her attackers grip but they were holding on tight and strong. 

" Stop struggling!" The attacker grunted, as she tried kicking them. The towel wrapped even more tightly around her mouth, her breathing slowing. Her heart was also slowing down as her eyelids dimmed. Her body started to feel more lightweight, her struggling was slowing down. Wh- wha? 

That's when everything went black.


After many struggled she had finally fell asleep. She was leaning against his arm as she was in deep unconscious. He'd replace the towel with a small rag, tying it around her mouth to the back of her head. He then pulled the small zip out of his pocket and tied it to both wrist together. 

He hauled her over his shoulder and continued the walk just an other way. How did I get in this mess... He sighed as he already knew the answer. Bigtail had hired him around the 10th grade to help him gain popularity. Before, some person name Icicle was ruling. 

2waszxazHis job was to spy to gain secret drama information and several other small jobs. Now, his job was to kidnap some random girl he rarely knew. Bigtail had told him to report to the back of the school when he was done the first half of his 'mission'. Why couldn't he done it himself? I thought I was hired to spy and steal- well this is stealing a person. He'd rolled his eyes and continued the journey.


After a while he had reached his destination. Twisting around the corner to see Bigtail and his friends waiting for him. 

" I got what you were looking for." I stated. They immediately got their attention on the two. Bigtail smirked, "

 Was not expecting that but you are always unpredictable." He'd chuckled as he headed towards him. Bigtail extended his arms out as he'd pass the girl over. He gently laid her onto his arms. Bigtail pulled her up a bit, her head laying on his chest. 

" Thanks, as promised here's your pay." He pulled out over 200 bucks out of his pocket and passes it over to him. He then heard a small groan from the girl. 

" I thought you'd put her to sleep?" He questioned. 

" I did but it doesn't last long, what do you expect?" He said sarcastically. 

" Yeah yeah, now go run off." He'd rolled his eyes as he was already trotting off. Before he could leave he had heard small whispers. 

" Were not hurting the girl, right?" This immediately caught his attention. 

" Wait, what are you going to do with her anyways?" He questioned. Bigtail frowned slightly but covered it up quickly. 

" Y'know, the normal kidnap and trade." He chuckled, pulling the girls arm closer to him. He'd narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously. But, it wasn't his problem. 

" Sure." He lowed his suspicion and left. 

Even though he knew he was lying, that wasn't his job.


| Innocent or Down Bad? | HUMAN AU (Winterwatcher)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz