CHAPTER 19 | Science |

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                                                                                   MOON'S POV

 The beaker fizzled softly creating green bubbles here and there. She dropped a tablespoon of vinegar into the beaker which caused the bubbles to rize. Her partner poured ⅔ of flower into the small beaker. Luckly that caused the beaker to cool down but still continuing its enormous amount of bubbles. 

" I think we mest up on one part." Winter said, peaking into the beaker. 

" Didn't Mr. Starflight said if you add a ¼ of vinegar it'll act all fidelity?" Moon questioned, checking their notes. 

" Hmm, what if we add a quarter of salt?" Winter offered, as he grabbed a salt bag. " Yeah." Winter nodded and started pouring bits and bits of salt. After pouring a dump of salt the beaker cooled down and the bubbles evaporated away. 

" Uh- is that normal?" Winter asked, confusingly. 

" I think.. Wa- wait it's not supposed-" 


A blaster of foam blasted into their faces and clothing. Everyone in the classroom landed their eyes onto them, watching miraculously of the foam. Some people started giggling and those started to spread around the room and those giggles turned into big amounts of laughter. Now everyone was laughing, even Mr. Starflight was laughing. 

Moon started to laugh and tried to wipe away the foam and at the same time while for the first time. What Moon thought wasn't possible. Winter was laughing..? Even though it was more of a chuckle, it was very adorable and surprising. Adorable? How does that come to mind? After some time everyone chilled their laughter. 

Mr. Starflight came up to them with some cleaning supplies. 

" You two can head to the Science Washroom while I clean this up." Starflight noted, giving them a small smile. The two nodded and headed to the washroom. She could still hear small giggles around the classroom. She looked at Winter and noticed he was smiling- even though he was wearing a mask, Moon could tell by his Arctic Pool eyes. I mean, she was good at telling peoples facial expressions. 

Even if it was just very little.

They got to the Science Washroom where there was an Eye Wash, Emergency Body Wash, Face Wash, and other washing. 

" We should take off our goggles and clean them too." Winter suggested, taking his goggles off. " Alright." Moon did the same and started rinsing them off the sink. The clear water poured down and through the sinks hole. ( No- I DIDN'T MEAN TO-) Moon then started rinsing the foam off her face. It had spread to her cheeks, nose, and a bit of her forehead. 

The cold water dripped down from her chin into the sink or a bit of her white cardin. Moon peaked at Winter. He was done washing his goggles but hadn't rinsed his face. There wasn't much foam since it got mainly onto the mask but it did get some on his hood and around his eyes. 

His pale bandaged hand was hovering over his mask strap. His hand seemed to be quivering. It isn't cold here... Is he afraid to take off his mask? Moon stared at him, thinking deeply. 

" Do-.. Do you want me to look away so you can change your mask?" Moon offered, drying her face with a white towel. Winter raised his eyebrows in surprise. 

" Yo- you wo- would do that?" Winter questioned, his tone shocked. 

" Of course, you're my friend. I don't mind if you don't like me looking at your real face." Moon explained, giving him a reassuring smile. Saying 'Friend' seemed to stumble Moon's heart. She didn't know why but ignored it anyway. Moon felt a smile appear beneath his mask. 

" Um, ca- can you do that right now?" Winter asked. 

" Yeah, I'll go at the corner and cover my eyes." Moon headed to the corner and did just that. Her eyesight became black. Though, she could still hear everything. She heard the sink go off and some shuffling. After a minute of two she heard the sink turn off and some wrapping. 

" You can look now." Moon released her hands from her eyes and turned away from the corner. He was drying his hands with the same towel she used with his eyes a bit dimmed. " Thanks." Moon tilted her head slightly in confusion. " For what?" Winter hesitated. 

" For.. Y'know, just doing that." Winter remarked, hanging the towel onto the rack. 

" You're welcome, I don't mind people who like their own privacy from time to time. I like my privacy too, so I would treat them how I want my privacy to be treated." Moon explained, pulling the door open. They walked back to the Science Classroom with silence. Moon was too busy talking in her thoughts. Why was he anxious to take off the mask? Was he born with something? Maybe he has something on his face that he doesn't want to show? 

So many theories there could be. Maybe.. Maybe something related to family problems? Moon paid her tracks at the thought. At that moment she started connecting all the dots to that one thought. Moon's friends had explained a bit about Winter and she also heard rumors and whispers of Winter. 

They all connected to his family. Maybe.. His family- 

" Something wrong?" Winter asked, disturbing her from her deep thinking. Moon took a second to snap herself back to reality. 

" Wha- I- uh, yeah.. Yeah yeah." Moon muttered, hesitating to go back to her track. Winter then stopped.

" There's something wrong. What is it?" Winter asked, curiously. Moon answered with silence. They both just stood there in silence. He's going to hate me for this. Moon lunged at Winter and.. Hugged him? She kept her grip soft but meaningful. She squeezed her eyes and bit her lip, knowing he was just going to push her away. 

But he did exactly done the opposite. His arms wrapped around her back and the side of his head laying on top of her soft straight hair. Moon nearly flinched by his touch. This is.. Surprising. They stayed like that for a full 2 minutes and released each other. Moon didn't bother to say anything or look at him. She just took his cold pale hand into hers. She walked with him in silence and her face beat red. 

Now first of all, Moon held hands with Winter as in a friend way- BEFORE YOU WINTERWATCHER FAN START GOING PANIC- the ship is heading soon ;) Now back to my explaining, Moon held Winter's hand as in a caring friend way to make him feel more comfortable (as the same for the hug) and better after the whole face mask thang. During the more chapters I make there will be more stuff like this maybe >:) And by the way I hoped u guys loved todays chapter :D

1000 words :p (told u my longer chapters were working)

| Innocent or Down Bad? | HUMAN AU (Winterwatcher)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora