CHAPTER 30 |!?|

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                                                                                    MOON POV

She fluttered her eyelids slowly with a small yawn. Her vision came into view and her mind came to focus. She felt a hard but soft surface touching her. She observed her surroundings and looked up to see Winter sleeping innocently right above her head. Herself was laying on his chest and her right hand clipped with Winter's. His hand is so cold but warm at the same time.. Moon smiled slightly by her thoughts. I think I'll stay here just a little longer..


She felt a small nudge by her arm causing her to wake up. 

" Wh- what?" Her eyes flickered open to see light brightening in her eyes and across the room. 

" Wake up, it's morning." 

" 5 more minutes~" Moon groaned in tiredness.

" I gave 2 hours, I think 5 minutes wouldn't make a difference." Moon yawned in annoyance and tried to got herself to focus though she still wanted to sleep. She grabbed the most closest softest thing she could find and buried herself in it. 

" I- I don't need morning hugs." What is he talking about? Moon finally got herself to focus on her surroundings and twitched her eyes. Her arms was wrapped around his torso while she was buried into his chest. 

" Well it's comfy giving morning hugs." Moon muffle into his chest. They laid in silence for a full minute until Winter broke it. 

" Isn't that long enough of a hug?" Moon nodded and finally unwrapped from him. They hopped off and took a quick stretch before leaving the room. 

" I'm guessing you want breakfast." 

" Mhm." The two head to the kitchen where they prepared some cereal for breakfast. She plopped down onto her seat with her froot loops cereal as Winter did the same. They ate their breakfast in quick silence. 

" Can I keep this hoodie?" Moon asked, sipping some milk. 

" The hoodie your wearing?" She'd nodded. 

" Sure I guess, I don't wear it a lot anyways." 

" Thanks." Moon smiled as she rubbed the hoodie. It was pretty soft and clean. 

" Do you want me to walk with you to the office and your dorm." 

" Of course!" Winter nodded with a slight chuckle. Moon smiled back and the two chatted with smiles back and forth until they finished their breakfast and it was time to go. They grabbed their bags and exited the dorm where they were already outside and nearby the office building. 

" So.." Winter tried to fill the awkward silence between the two's stroll. 

" Can I ask you something?" 

" Mhm." Moon fixed her throat. 

" Y'know how the project broke and everything?" Moon eyed his expression, trying to get a reaction or anything out of him. His eyes twitched slightly but it went away quickly. 

" .. Um, yeah.." 

" How did it get destroyed completely? If you dropped it that's totally normal and okay but it looked like it was smashed... Did you do it on purpose-" Winter jumped by this. 

" NO! Of course not! Why would I destroy our hard work!" 

" Like- I mean maybe you did it to spend more time with me or-.." Moon shoved a hand to her mouth, realizing what she had just said. Winter also realized this with his eyes widened. 

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