CHAPTER 7 | Oh... |

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                                                                                    MOON'S POV

Moon was sitting outside on a bench, eating her lunch her mom packed for school. It was a container of apple slices, green grapes, waffle bread spread with white cream and jam. Moon was enjoying her waffle bread with a book she borrowed from the public library. It was called Wings of Fire. She was in book two. 

She enjoyed the book very much. While she was reading her book, enjoying her tasty lunch until she heard- Is someone crying? Moon closed her book lightly with her bookmark between the pages. She laid the lid onto the container and got up from her seat. She looked around first and saw no one. Where is that noise coming from? 

Moon searched throughout the area, her glamorous green jade eyes searching for any movement. All she saw and heard was the trees and bushes brushing each other from the wind but no person. 

Moon was about to give up her search when she saw a buried out footstep. She looked around the ground and noticed a trail of footsteps. How has she not noticed this earlier? She ignored her thought and followed the footsteps quietly. After a minute of following a long trail of them she heard more sniffles and shuffling. 

She was around the small woods next to the school. The more she got closer at the end of the tracks the sound of sniffling and small cries grew louder. After a left turn by an oak tree she saw a person. Not any random person.. Isn't that the hoodie kid from my class? His name was Winter, correct? 

Moon stood there watching the pale kid bury himself into his oversized white hoodie. Surprisingly he hadn't noticed Moon standing there in silence. Moon couldn't get a good look at him but did catch a small glimpse of his eyes. 

They looked like a clear watery arctic ocean. But they were dripping with clear crystal tears. Moon's mind was already wandering in space until she heard a loud SNAP sound. She snapped out of daydreaming and realized she had stepped onto a small weak stick. Moon looked up and so did Winter. Oh... Winter had fear in his eyes immediately. He got up from his resting spot, getting up too fast nearly making him fall over. They stared at each other's eyes.

Both Frozened. 

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