CHAPTER 12 | Bullies.. |

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                                                                                  TURTLE'S POV

SLIGHT WARNING: This chapter does contain a little bit of Assault and Battery but it is a very small moment, this is just a small warning to people who can't handle that stuff.

Turtle listened to his friends have their conversations. Though, he wasn't really listening to his friend's conversation. He was too busy daydreaming about Kinkajou. He'd gain feelings for her around Middle School. He still remembered the day like the back of his hand.


He was around the school grounds at night. He didn't know why he was there, he was just tired. It was just the smell of outside air and him. Finally a nice place to think... Well that was interrupted when Kink had found him surprisingly. 

Well, she can find anyone without anyone knowing. " Hi Turtle." Kinkajou greeted, sitting beside him. 

" What're you doing out here?" Turtle questioned, patting a spot next to him. 

" I could ask you the same question." Kink giggled, sitting herself next to him. 

" Well, I'm just taking a break from all my siblings." Turtle sighed, patting Kink on her soft purplish - hair. Kinkajou snorted from his answer, resting her head onto his shoulder. Turtle blushed hard with his body stiff. 

" Do you think I act like your sibling?" Kinkajou asked. Turtle thought for a second. 

" Yes but..." 

" Hm?" Kinkajou twisted her head to look him in the eyes. 

" I do think you more than- '' Turtle was disturbed by his flashback when Tamarin shushed everyone. Everyone stopped in their tracks, looking around. They were in the woods following a dirt trail. Turtle couldn't really hear much since the wind was brushing through the woods loudly and the birds were chirping loudly. 

" What's wrong Tammy?" Kink questioned, putting a hand on her shoulder. 

" I heard a cry for help." Tamarin answered, slowly walking towards her own directions. 

" Then let's go help them!" Ostrich whispered / yelled. They all followed Tamarin close and kinkajou helped her not to trip on anything. Tamarin stopped in her tracks again, wrinkling her nose. " I smell cigar smoke, we're close." Tamarin then continued her tracks again. 

As they kept walking, Turtle too could smell cigar smoke. After a few minutes of walking through bushes and smelling big wifs of smoke, a loud ruffle of bushes was heard. " S- stop hurting m- me! I ha- have your money but- but not- not right now!" A girl begged. Everyone whipped their heads to the direction of the cries.

It was a group of 4 girls surrounding a girl that looked around 10 on the ground crying with a bloody nose. " I know that's a lie! Every time I order something you get it on the due date but NOW YOU DON'T HAVE IT!?!?" A girl, maybe the leader, slapped the girl on the cheek. The leader had long white slick straight hair that matched her pale skin. She wore a black sports bra with a dark colored baggy jacket and black leggings. She had black gloves and a lot of jewelry around them. She also had a dark colored hat that covered her face. The thing that really caught Turtle's attention was the long spiked tattoo scar across her right neck until her shoulder. 

Some of the girls held cigars in their mouths or hands. That's definitely where the smell is coming from. " Now explain.. Where. Is. My. Money." The girl hesitated to answer. 

" I-...I- I do- don't kn- kno- oww!" The girl cried out between sobs. 

" You B!tch." The leader harshly snatched the girl by the shirt. She brought the girl up to her feet. " Look at me in the eyes girl.." She then pulled off her hat. It was... Icicle. Turtle wasn't too surprised it was her bullying a kid. Icicle had been bullying since the 3rd grade. Well that's what Turtle heard by the rumors. How could she hurt a girl that's nearly 6 years younger than her!? 

Icicle glared at the girl while she sobbed desperately. " Pin her down." Her 'buddies' did just that. They wore similar things to Icicle. Some even had the same tattoo as Icicle. Icicle crouched down to the girl's face. " You're about to see what you deserve." Icicle then jabbed the girl straight into her nose. 

Blood immediately poured through her nostril. Icicle then continued punching, slapping, and kicking the girl until someone had come to confront Icicle. Kinkajou popped out of the bush they were hiding in. " Stop hurting her!" Kinkajou commanded, trying to reach the injured, sobbing girl. 

" Well well, look what we got here. It's rainbow girl!" Icicle laughed at her statement, her buddies snickering. " I want you to stop hurting her!" Kinkajou stated. 

" And what are you going to do Bubbles?" Icicle teased, cracking her bloody knuckles. Kinkajou launched herself at Icicle, surprisingly knocking her off balance. " KINKAJOU!" Moon shouted, also popping out of the bush. 

Kinkajou tried strangling her but Icicle easily pushed her off as she was light as a feather. Now everyone was out of the hiding place, even Turtle. Kinkajou fell back onto the dirt. Icicle got herself quickly and plunged towards Kinkajou. Before anyone could make a move- " ICICLE!" Everyone looked back and noticed someone standing behind them.

It was..... Winter

| Innocent or Down Bad? | HUMAN AU (Winterwatcher)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें