"So, going back to my story. Where ever the boy I once called my number 1 enemy is, I have forgiven him and I apologize for what I have done to him as well." I glanced at Zayn with a smile then I looked back at the audience. "Remember that you are shaped by the choices you make. Thank you."

The audience applauded and we took off our hats and threw them in the air.


Today is the day that I leave for Yale. I have packed all my stuff and I'm ready to go. Next time I'll get to go back is Christmas break.

Harry agreed to drive me to the airport. My parents are in the US for a conference in the campus so they will just meet me there. Marianne, Raphie, Mira, Liam, and Niall are helping me carry my luggage into the car. They all went with me to the airport. I will really miss these people.

As we arrived the airport, we quickly checked in my stuff. Since I had time to spare, we went to the café and shared our last meal together. Well not really last, I'm just over reacting.

We sat there laughing at memories of the year. I only really got to know most of them this year, and yet I feel like I've known them forever. They are the best set of friends anyone can ever have.

"I'm really going to miss you guys." I said, tearing up a little.

"We'll miss you a whole lot more than you're going to miss us Steph." Marianne said and they all nodded with sad faces.

"Now don't you dare get a new best friend while you're hanging out with the smart people ok." Louis forced a grin.

"Excuse me? When did you become the best friend huh?" Marianne snapped.

"Uh what I meant to say was don't forget us." Louis corrected himself. I heard Harry smirk.

"I could never forget you guys." I said with sincerity.

"I think I'm going to cry!" Raphie announced. "Me too!" Mira followed. The two girls started weeping.

"Babe, don't cry its-its o- its not ok...." Niall started to cry as well. "Raphie honey, you know that when someone cries, I start to cry too." Liam said while choking back the tears.

"Oh Liam, come here." Raphie put Liam's head on her shoulder and they sobbed together.

"This is all so sad!" Harry sobbed and hugged Marianne.

I looked around and everyone was crying. I was crying as well, but for a different reason. There was one person missing in our group.

"Louis?" I called.

"Yes Steph?" He replied while he blew his nose and wiped his eyes.

"Do you think he'll come?" I asked.

"Who? Zayn?" He said.

"Y-yes." I sobbed.

"I dont know. But I can call him if you want." He said, already retrieving his phone from his pocket.

"No, no. That's ok. He probably doesn't want to say goodbye." I said with a look of disappointment in my face.

"Of course he wants to say goodbye, he's just not sure if you want to see him."

"I dont know if I do or if I dont." I admitted.

"Well, you have the decision to call or not. But just know that even if he's not here, I am sure that he will miss you as much as we will." Louis made me feel better. I smiled and thought if I should call him.


The others have already said their goodbyes and went off. They aren't allowed in the waiting area.

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