Chapter 23 - Suffering

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As the white orb approached them, the megalomaniac teleported behind it. He just needed to wait for it to tire itself and then seize the moment, taking the god's powers as his own. The heroes, on the other hand, took some steps backwards. The ball seemed so much bigger when up close.

A loud crack and giggle could be heard from Void, who formed one of his three black cavities. Suddenly, the other two appeared and circled around its body that only stopped when it was a few meters away from the Dream Friends.

The holes expanded and retracted right after, forming a familiar face, which shocked everyone...

"It's..." Out of everyone, Kirby was the most freaked out. "Kirby."

Void's face seemed like it was crying, its smile then enlarged and its eyes closed. "Hey, Kirby." Dedede said. "Why does it look like ya... wait... it's changing again." The king of Dreamland looked around to see the expressions of his partners. Bandana Dee and Francisca were a little scared, but ready to fight; Flamberge wasn't understanding anything; Magolor and Hyness' minds exploded with so many theories.

Meanwhile, Meta Knight was more focused on the two enemies who only stared at them, the man in armor suddenly grabbed his sword and told Kirby to focus, but he only got a slight nod as a response. Taranza cowardly hid behind the puffball while Zan stared at the being who started all of this, all of that happened while Void laughed in pain.

The god's closed eyes disappeared into the white body, leaving only the mouth that was thin as paper. The hole grew and grew as the villains approached our beloved characters, finally stopping when it was as big as the body.

From the middle of the cavity, a single white eye with a red pupil appeared that reminded some of Kirby's friends of a certain null villain, also known as Zero. Ten appendages also formed around Void's body, ready for action.

Once complete, the white orb released an unnerving sound that echoed everywhere. "Zero..." Kirby widened his blue eyes before turning back to his friends. "What's the plan, Kirby?" Taranza asked with a concerned face, the fact Kirby was shocked made it way more terrifying for the arachnid.

"It's a Kirby in suffering..." Before the pink ball could say anything else, a sound of a charging laser put in on his guard. "Watch out!"

Kirby was too late, Void already fired its turquoise laser at the floating platform. The rocky surface separated into four parts that went in different directions, the team wasn't together anymore...

The moment divided the team into four groups. Zan Partizanne, Francisca and Meta Knight went to the right; King Dedede, Bandana Dee and Flamberge went to the left; and Hyness and Magolor's platform returned to the cave's entrance.

Taranza and Kirby stayed on a smaller platform that made its way into a sea of debris, and Void decided to go after them.

After the explosive incident, Umbra Knight and Shadow Dedede nodded at each other before jumping in opposite directions; one went to the right and the other to the left. The final battle has begun.


"Ouch... Is everyone okay?" The bluette rubbed her eyes while she removed the stone bricks from her clothes. She was on the eastern corner of the ginormous cave, the girl could barely see what was happening on the other side.

The groaning from a mysterious person caused her to jump in fear, so she grabbed her ice axe and slowly approached its source. Once her oldest sister was visible, Francisca put a hand on her chest and sighed in relief.

"Phew! I thought it was someone else..." After Francisca forced a laugh, Zan rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "I'm okay, how about you?" The girl in yellow entered a deep state of concern when she noticed they were missing two family members. "Where are Hyness and Berge?"

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