Chapter 37

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The day had come.

Sophie woke up, the sun shining on her face. It was her wedding day!

She had invited all of her friends and family, including Amy. The Council had given her special permission. 

Sophie hailed Biana. She wanted to talk to her, girl talk.

"Hey Bi!" She said.

"AHHHH!!!" Biana squealed. "LOOK AT YOU, MS. SENCEN!"

"Hey Sophie."  Dex appeared in the background. 

"Hi guys! You're ready, right?" Sophie greeted them.

"Yes! Let's run over outfits." Biana said. She grabbed her binder.

The Outfits


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Bridesmaids (Biana, Linh, Amy, Marella)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Bridesmaids (Biana, Linh, Amy, Marella)

Bridesmaids (Biana, Linh, Amy, Marella)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Thanks for planning all of this, Biana." Sophie said, tears coming to her eyes. Dex and Biana had been special to her, and now Biana was in charge of her wedding. Dex was Keefe's best man.

Somehow, it seemed like it was meant to be. 


In a few hours, everyone reached the venue. Keefe and Sophie's wedding was taking place at Havenfield, at a beautiful inlet Flori had found near the pastures. 

When Sophie arrived, Keefe was already there, and all of the guests sat in the benches. Amy waved excitedly at Sophie. 

Grady held out his arm. His eyes began to glisten. In all fairness, the last time this happened Brant turned out to be a serial killer.

Sophie held her father's arm. Edaline watched with the bridesmaids, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. 

They walked down the aisle. Sophie looked down at her hand. She was wearing the beautiful diamond ring Keefe had given her when he proposed. She would never take it off.

They reached the stage ( is it called a stage?). Keefe looked at his bride. He blinked.

"You look beautiful, Foster." He whispered to her. Sophie blushed.

"You too." She said.

The pastor cleared his throat. 

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster, do you wish to be Keefe Sencen's wife?"

"Yes. I promise to love him and be there for him. Because I love him."

"Keefe Sencen, do you wish to be Sophie Foster's husband?" 

"Yes. I promise to never leave Foster and be with her forever."

He looked at Sophie intensely.

"Because I love you."

The pastor looked at his book. "Does anyone object to the wedding of these two?"

Fitz glared at Keefe. He looked like he wanted to object, but had too much pride for that. SO he stayed silent.

The pastor smiled. "You may now kiss the bride."

And Keefe did. 

It was their most beautiful moment together, surrounded by loved ones, in each others arms. 

When they pulled back, the crowd cheered.


"TEAM FOSTER - KEEFE!" Amy joined in.

Soon everyone was dancing to the music and having fun.

Keefe pulled Sophie behind a tree for a second.

"Wow. I can't believe it." She gasped.

"Me neither. I'm so happy, Sophie." He said, hugging her.

"Anyways, I got you a gift!" Sophie said.

She pulled out a box.

"I tried my hand at art. It sucks, I know, but..."

Keefe grinned. "Sophie! It's beautiful."

It was a painting of when Sophie and Keefe had flown on Silveny together. Sophie had asked Edaline for lots of help.

"Read the message." She whispered.

He turned the frame over.

To my dear husband.

Even though I suck at painting, I made you this. Because I love you.



Keefe smiled. He leaned in and kissed her sweetly.

"I love it so much. Almost as much as I love you."


Whew. I can't believe i finished this book guys! Sorry if the pictures are blurry. Write in the comments if I should do another sokeefe!

THE FINAL QOTC: Do you think that when Sophie kissed Dex in Nightfall to prove she didn't like him, it was the right thing to do?

My answer: No. I hated Sophie then. She just played with his feelings. It made me sad.

Well, bye guys!


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