Chapter 8

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"Ro, she may have been a supervillain, but she was Keefe's mom. She gave birth to him, even though it was a creepy process. She was nicer to him than Lord Cassius." Fitz said.

"Fitz, don't keep putting wood into the fire." Dex warned.

But Fitz was on a roll.

"Keefe Sencen! She was your mother. A creepy one, for sure, but still!" He yelled. 

"I know! I am a terrible person!" Keefe said, shaking.

"Fitzroy. That's enough." A voice from the back called. It was Sandor. He was a tough, but he was truly loyal. "Keefe is already balancing a lot of things." Sandor sounded tough, and FItz shut up right there. 


"Yeah, snootypants!" Ro snapped. "I'm right. Gisela may not even be - "

"My biological mom? I thought that." Keefe finished. He sighed. 

"The stellarlune thing was creepy. What if it wasn't my mom who did something with it? She was kinda loyal. She wouldn't do it to her son." His voice began to waver.

"My dad had had his memories washed. He may have THOUGHT it was my mom. He would want to believe that. Or if he DID know, he would protect it, even if it was a secret that could save us!"  Keefe looked like he could punch something. 

"That... doesn't make sense," Sophie had to say. "Your mom was a Polygot. She had to use her own ability and genetics to give you that new ability! No one else would agree." She argued.

"You're right..." Tam said. "Glimmer and I don't know any Neverseen Polygots, other than Lady Gisela. And Glimmer was pretty loyal, at least to Keefe's mom." 

"Would she hide things from you?" Linh said quietly.

Tam sighed. "Glimmer showed us the storehouse! She found Kenric and Fintan's cache! She helped us!" He snapped. "What more does she have to do to prove her loyalty?!"

"Whoa, Tam!" Linh said. "Glimmer just came. She may have led you to the storehouse, but if she's LOYAL," Linh emphasised the word.

 "Why does she hide behind her cloak?"

"It's none of your business! Maybe she's scarred or something." Tam said.

"Okay, guys. Glimmer isn't involved in this." Dex said. 

"Yeah!" Biana said. "Can we just forget the Neverseen and have a sleepover like normal elves? We need this. No planning or plotting or trying to find the next move or deciphering runes. Just for one night?" 

Sophie squeezed Keefe's hand. "Let's do it. Who's up for Base Quest?"

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