Chapter 27

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The group reached Foxfire. However, they reached The Leapmaster in Tiergan's  classroom. Sophie sighed. She had a lot of pleasant memories here. Telepathy was her absolute favourite session.

'Earth to Foster? This is Lord Hunkyhair speaking, we have to go now...' Keefe nudged her.

Sophie blushed. She must have zoned out.

'I'll telepathically talk to Fitz, see if I can get any directions.' She suggested.

Fitz? We need directions.

Right! I must have forgotten to tell you. No sign of Gethen yet, by the way.

The. Directions. NOW!!!

Al right, Lady Fos-Boss. Go to Leto's office. There, you'll find a mirror. If you pull it, it will open. There is a passage. Walk until you reach a fork. Go right. There is a door. We are hiding behind it.

Couldn't Gethen have just light leaped inside?

Nope. You know the gate we have at Everglen? Where you need to walk? There is a smaller one here, outside the door. 

Overheard anything?


Thanks. We'll be there in ten minutes.

Hurry up, then.

She closed the telepathic connection, and faced her friends.

'It's in Mr. Forkle's office.' She said.

'He really didn't realise that there was A BASE in his office?!' Marella put her hands on her hips.

'Bruh. That is some next-level obliviousness. Makes sense that he was your creator.'

Sophie flushed again. 

Mr. Forkle always said that he wasn't her father. 

Oralie was her biological mother, she knew that. Would she have known her bio father was MAGNATE LETO, and not told her when she raised the suggestion?

So much for making up for her faults.

'You're zoning out again.' Dex said.

Sophie snapped out of it.

'Right then, come on!'


They walked in the office. It was a large room, with many glass cabinets containing scrolls and papers. 

'There is a mirror here.' Wylie said, pointing to it.

The group rushed over. Sophie pulled it.

At first nothing happened. She pulled again.

'Let me try.' Keefe said.

It swung open immediately.

'Go in! Quick!' He pushed them.

It was dark. Wylie did a cool Flasher trick and lit it up.

Sophie wished he hadn't. 

She could now see a few rats and bats around the cave like passage. There were spiderwebs, and shockingly, something else.

So. Many. Cloaks.

They were strewn around the place. Thousands of white eyes were staring at her. 

They had too many enemies. These were the old cloaks. There were probably more new ones. 

'Foster, I'm sensing a lot of emotions, and they are not good.' Keefe said.

'It's nothing.' She lied.

No point getting distracted.

Dex shot her a look that probably meant he was worried. They had a bond that family shared, they could sense each other without being Empaths.

'We'll reach a fork, and we have to go right.' Sophie said.

They walked in silence for a few minutes. At the fork, they turned right.

'Fitz? Tam? Linh?' They called.

'We're here!' A voice came from behind a boulder.

Tam walked out. 

'Took you long enough!' He said.


'Oh, you will be.' A voice drawled.

'Seriously, Mom?' Keefe turned to Lady Gisela.

'Keefe. I have a melder. Want me to zap your Moonlark?'

Keefe stiffened. 'Not Foster.'

'That's what I thought. Well, I might as well show you how I'm torturing Biana. Hopefully enough motivation to stop you from coming here to rescue her. Because after this, it's gonna get tighter.' She snarled.


What did she mean?

They found out a few moments later.

Biana was tied up in a type  of flexible rope. She couldn't go out, Gisela had put it on a tight setting. Her skin was red and raw,  and she was gasping for breath.


Hey guys! Writing this in my school recess. So far, I have 760+ reads! Can't thank y'all enough. 

QOTC: Would you rather have Silvely as your pet or finally find out about the Great Gulon Incident?

My answer: Great Gulon. Because anything to do with Keefe is the choice to make.

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