Chapter 33

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back to 3rd person POV!


Sophie transmitted. But there was no response. His mind had gone blank. She was too late. 

"Oh no." She whispered. Her hands were shaking.

"What am I going to do?" She said to herself. 

But then she had  brainwave. When Gisela had done her experiment on him in Loamnore, she'd been able to have a telepathic connection with Keefe. 

But this step was going to be stronger. and with who was her mental health strongest with?

Sophie groaned. But then she remembered Keefe, and his crooked smile, and his hair, and his Antarctic eyes...

She reached for her imparter again.

"Show me Fitz Vacker."


Thirty minutes later, Sophie was at Everglen.

She knew that the only way to save Keefe was to find him, and she could only do that with Fitz's help. 

Since when did she start to realise the imperfections in the golden boy? The way he had shouted at her, the way he'd made her depressed abut being Unmatchable...

Enough to hate him.

But they were friends, and Fitz was the one who saved her. She ought to give him a second chance.

She knocked on the door.

"Hey." She said to him when he answered.

"Hey yourself." 

"So... should we just-"

"Wait, Sophie. I just want to apologise again for being such a jerk. Really. And," He sighed. "I've been a jerk before, but I never acknowledged it. Please forgive me."

Sophie smiled. She was waiting for this apology. 

"Accepted. Now can we please find Keefe?"

Fitz nodded. "Can you just start the connection? Let's talk telepathically."

Bold is Fitz, Italic is Sophie

Okay. Let's call out.

Sure. On my count. 3, 2, 1!


Feel any response?

No. You?

No- wait a minute. KEEFE!!! KEEFE!!! 

I feel something.

Keep on going!



Foster? Please. Help.

Hello! I know I haven't updated. Been sick. 

Wanna thank you for 1k reads, guys! Special shout out blue lemon x d (sorry if I spelt it wrong) for voting on every. Single. Chapter!

QOTC: Sophitz or Sotam?

My answer: Pls don't hate me... but I think Sophitz has a better chance. I still hate it though! SOKEEFE FOR LIFE


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