Chapter 21

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'It's UNDER FOXFIRE?!' Practically the whole group asked at the same time.

'The Neverseen are practical.' Callista rolled her eyes. 'How do you think they know where to strike every single time? They have hideouts EVERYWHERE.'

Sophie huffed in frustration. 'Well, that's great! We'll have to search the whole of the Lost Cities now!'

Another thing to did to her already full to do list.

She looked at Keefe, and noticed that he was looking pale.

'I  helped with that... didn't I.' He murmured.

'YOU DID?!' Tam nudged him.

'Sort of.' Callista said.

 'When you broke Magnate Leto's office, one of the rebuilders, among the gnomes, was a member of the Neverseen. They had access to the dimensions, and if anything was added nobody would mind.'

Keefe looked horrified. 'I knew it was a mistake to go there.' He said.

'It's my fault. The next strike at Foxfire will be my fault!'

'Keefe!' Sophie held his hand. 'Guilt is dangerous. It's NOT your fault! The Neverseen could have gone ahead with the plan anyway.'

'Well, I just made it easier for them.'

Callista chuckled. 

'Trust me, it was WAY harder with all the shards of broken glass.'

Sophie smiled. 'See? You caused trouble for the Neverseen! Score one!'

Keefe was still shaken.  

'Okay, is that where Biana is being held?' Linh asked.

'Probably. Maybe sweeping up the glass?' 

'Do you have access?' Wylie asked.

'Yeah. A leaping crystal. Oh no!'


'Valin is coming, I hear him!' Callista ushered everyone out.

'Get out of here!'

They aid goodbye and leapt to Everglen.


When they got there, they found Dex, Fitz, Marella and Maruca exactly as they had left them. The girls were practicing Psionipathy and Pyrokinesis together.

The boys, on the other hand, were avoiding each other like the plague.

'They've been avoiding each other for AGES!' Marella said to them.

'Fitz sorta yelled at him, but calmed down later.' Maruca explained.

'Dex just worked on his gadget.'

Sophie nodded. She then approached the two of them.

'Hey guys.' 



'Did you... figure it out?' Linh said.

Dex looked at Fitz. 'Look, Biana and I like each other. What is the problem?!'

'I heard what you said about the Vackers at Foxfire.' Fitz spat.

Dex turned red. 'Well, you're one to talk!' He regained his composure.

'It's not like you didn't talk about the Dizznees behind MY back!'

Fitz flushed. 'EVERYONE talks about the kids of Bad Matches!'

'So don't say it's wrong for me when YOU do it too!'

'TIME OUT!!!!' Keefe yelled. Really loudly.

'Just chill out!' He said.

 'I think it's Dex and Biana's choice.' Tam spoke up. 'If they wanna be together, no one should stop them!' 

'YEAH!!' Dex said. 'It's not like I forced her! She liked me too!'

Fitz was turning redder by the second. With rage.

'I won't allow it.' Fitz declared.

'When she comes back, I'll make sure you never see her again.'

Hey guys! This is seeming really un SOKEEFE right now. Next chapter, I PROMISE. Just... haven't found inspiration yet. Super sorry. But keep reading!


Because I Love Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें