Chapter 15

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Fitz was scowling. 

"Why do I have to be the one to interrupt the lovers?" He asked. "First my ex, now my sister?"

"Fitz-" Biana started to explain.

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" he yelled. Then his gaze turned to Dex. 

"Why did you choose to like MY sister? Your dad is Talentless! Son of a Bad Match! My sister only deserves the best!" He yelled.

By this time, everyone else had gathered. 

"Fitz, stop!" Keefe said. 

Fitz could have a temper, but so could Biana. 

"I'm DONE being the perfect girl in your stupid, selfish shadow. The council can burn the match lists!" She screamed. 

"But you can't tell me what to do, Fitz Avery Vacker!" 

"Calm down, Biana," Dex patted her back. 

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Fitz yelled.

"Fitz!" Sophie yelled. How could he do this? What happened to the boy that had saved her from The Human World? When had he become a selfish, close minded elf?

"It's Biana's choice. Not yours." Tam said, shadow power dripping on every word.

"I know how it feels to be treated like that, and it sucks!" He said.

"It does." Linh agreed. Everyone had called her the Girl Of Many Floods, and it hurt!

Suddenly, Sophie shrieked.

"Someone is Mesmering Fitz!" 

Because I Love YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ