Chapter 16

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"What?!" Dex asked shocked.

"I can't believe we didn't see it!" Sophie said.

Fitz's eyes were empty. The same way the Councillors eyes had been when Grady had Mesmerised them. When she was forced to wear the restrictor.

"Lemme try a telepathy convo."

Telepathy convo is in italics, guys. Sophie in caps.




Biana. Dex. Bad. Match.


Neverseen. Mesmer.

End of convo

"The Mesmer is from the Neverseen!" Sophie shouted.

"So... someone from the Neverseen is at Everglen?!" Keefe asked, terrified.

"Could it be Gisela's secret ability?" Linh pointed out.

"Probably. But... why would she do it like this?"

"So that I could distract you all while I execute my plan." A voice - a painfully familiar voice - answered.

Lady Gisela.

"Thought I'd died? Think again, Keefe." She drawled. "And if you think that you have Stellarlune under control, think again. Embrace the change, son." 

"What is your master plan?!" Sophie spat.

"Ah, the young Moonlark. Well, my plan is to take your boyfriend on my side. You'll come running to me!" She said.

"Change of plans. Keefe is my boyfriend." 

Lady Gisela's smile dropped. For a second.

"But we will save Fitz!" Dex said.

"I suppose you know I'm a Mesmer. Went through great pains to hide my ability, or I'd be monitored like Lord Ruewen." Gisela shuddered. "Terrible for my plan."

"Fitz will work for me while I have him in a trance. So tick Tock! Fitz for one of your strongest members." She sneered. "And trust me, he'll probably die on the first day like the privileged boy he is."

"I will go!" Biana said.

"Well, you're of use... my vanishers are limited." Gisela thought about it.

"So the choice is yours. Keep Fitz saying terrible things while I have him in a trance, or let him come with me, and I'll remove it. I expect you to have decided in ten minutes."

"Where will you go?" Tam said.

"I'm content here."

The group walked to a corner in the room.

"Fitz is my brother. I should go." Biana said.

"Biana. Will you be okay?" Dex asked.

"She said you could die!" 

"It's for my brother. You would do that for Rex, right?"

At the mention of Rex, Dex and Keefe flinched. (Unlocked, y'all!) No one noticed, though.

Everyone hugged Biana. 

She walked to Gisela.

"Young Miss Vacker." She smiled. "How you've changed from the snotty girl ever since the Moonlark has appeared in your life.

Biana ignored her. "Just remove the trance and take me! And leave him here." She said.

"As you wish."

And with that, they took off.

Wow, 403 words! I'm proud of myself.

Love you, my readers!


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