Chapter 22

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Sophie heard a shout. She was in a daze. 

And she was falling to the floor. Until a strong pair of arms caught her. 

'It's okay, Foster...' the voice said.


He smiled. Then he pressed a kiss to her temple.

'Glad to see me, are you?'

She sat up. 'What happened?' She asked.

Keefe shook his head.  'Fitz said some terrible stuff, and... you inflicted on him.'

'Holy crap!' 

'Yeah... he's not okay.' Keefe looked to the other couch.

Sophie leaned against Keefe, her head on his chest. 

'Aren't you gonna check on your Cognate buddy?'

'He picks on my cousin, he pays the price.' 

She looked up at him. Keefe sighed.

'Foster, liking the attitude, but... maybe Gisela could have been Mesmering him?'

'She has Biana now.'

'Who is a VANISHER.'

Sophie gasped. 'You think she escaped?'

'We can find out if... you enhance me.'

Sophie winced. She wasn't feeling up to using ANY abilities. 

'Can we just... stay like this for a bit?' She asked.

Keefe sighed, but he was smiling. 'Anything for you.'

She pecked him on the cheek, and he flushed.

'Did I just make the Keefe Sencen blush?' Sophie teased.

He smirked. 'You have that effect on people.'

'People like you?'

'Ah, the feisty Foster attitude I missed so much!' He said. 

'GUYS!!! Time to sleep!!!' Linh yelled.

'Oh yeah! We're at a sleepover!' Sophie realised. 

She also realised that Dex, Fitz and the others had been watching them. Except for Wylie, who had gone home. 

'The Neverseen just HAD to ruin our social life too!' Marella rolled her eyes.

'Yeah. It sucks to be a hero sometimes.' Dex said.

A hero.

Maybe that was how she'd find her place in this not so perfect world. By saving them. By being a hero. The Moonlark.

But wasn't that what she wanted? To finally fit in with her kind?

Or would it just make her stand out? Would her life ever be normal? Would there be a time when the biggest worry was passing finals? 

Or was it just... too perfect?

The elven children had no idea how lucky they were.

Perhaps, one day, she'd just be a normal kid, hanging with her friends, joking with Keefe, studying for finals.

She knew there would be a day like that.

But it would have to wait.

Bit of an emotional ending there guys! Some Sokeefe in here, not too much!

Also, yesterday was Friday the Thirteenth! Did anyone notice?


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