Chapter 7

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End Of Flashback

"So basically the rest of the time I was practicing my ability. I saw some humans doing terrible things, like bullying, and I learnt to control it. I can use it against the Neverseen if I want!" Keefe finished.

Sophie hugged him. "What happened to your mom, Keefe?"

He kissed her forehead. I don't know, Foster. She... probably died." His voice shook.

"I shouldn't feel guilty!" He said.

"She was your mom." Linh pointed out. 

"You killed someone, Keefe. It's okay to feel terrible!" Sophie hugged him again. 

"I... killed... my... own mom!" He cried. "She was a villain, but she was my mom! What have I done?!" He was sobbing now.

"Whoa, Hunkyhair." Ro said. No one had realised that she had been there. Seriously, she had vivid red hair, how did she do that?!

"Chill. She wanted to manipulate you! She would kill you for her own good! She didn't love you! Why are you guilty? She deserves this!"

"It feels wrong, Ro!"

"I get that." Ro softened. "But you need to get that maybe if she is gone, the Neverseen will topple a bit. You did the right thing. You needed this, Keefe."

Ro calling Keefe his real name was rarer than Keefe calling Sophie anything other than Foster.

Perhaps Ro was softer than everyone thought.

Hey, guys! End of the chapter, I'm writing this fast cuz it's almost time for me to go out. Pls comment and read this! Personally, though, I would never cry if Gisela died.



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