Chapter 26

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"Oh no." Sophie whispered.

"Oh yes." Gethen snarled. "I'm back."

Keefe went forward. "What do you want?"

Gethen pretended to think for a moment. "Oh, I want a lot of things. But right now, I want the storehouse loot, and I want to give a message."

Dex stamped his foot. "Get to the point."

"Fine then. Give me our supply of soporidine." He demanded.

"Uh uh!" Marella said, waving a finger. "Message."

Gethen sighed. "The message is from Lady Gisela. She's torturing Biana, and making her do the terrible things around Herentripa, our base."


"She says that if you want Biana back, you need to send her EVERYTHING from the storehouse.." 

Sophie's jaw dropped. 

They had only just retrieved the caches! And the scrolls! So many things that would have given them a clue!

'Oh, and the Archetype." Gethen said. "You'll need to return that."

"We burnt it." Sophie said.

Gethen laughed, then stopped.

"You... burnt the Archetype?!" He asked.

"Gisela will show NO mercy to Biana. Better return everything." He held out a bag.

The others retrieved everything. Sophie and Keefe stayed to make sure Gethen wouldn't disappear.

"Excellent. Now, I'll be on my way." Gethen said.

"WAIT! YOU DIDN'T GIVE US BIANA!!" The group yelled.

"We need to go to Foxfire! I'll reach out to Fitz telepathically and we'll ambush them!" Sophie was already making her way to the Leapmaster in Solreef.

"It's in the other direction." Wylie said.

Sophie shook her head. "Right."

Fitz? She reached out telepathically.

Sophie? What's wrong?

Gethen is coming to the Foxfire base. It's called Herentripa.

Do we hide?

No! We need to ambush them!

We found the base. We need to hide somewhere!

Ask Tam to hide you with shadows, then. You CANNOT be seen if you're already there. We're coming in a while.

I'll tell the others. Thanks for the information.

"Okay, I've told Fitz." Sophie said. "Now we need to find the base."

'Couldn't Glimmer have lied?" Marella noted.

"She's probably the leak." Dex agreed.

"Well, no harm in checking, right?" Keefe piped up.

Wylie led them to the Leapmaster. It had the location of Foxfire, since Tiergan taught there. 


Hey guys! From now on, updates will be a bit slower; maybe 3 times a week?


QOTC: Dexiana or Tiana?

My answer: Dexiana, but Tiana is a close second. REALLY CLOSE.

Enjoy your week!


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