Chapter 18

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Alden's glare made Sophie pale. He was usually the one who was happy, telling them that there was 'no reason to worry'. 

But no trace of that man was visible on Lord Vacker's face this evening.

"You let my daughter LEAVE WITH LADY GISELA?!!" he shrieked when the kids came near.

"Alden, she wanted to save her brother!" Sophie explained.

"Gisela had Mesmered Fitz. He was being a terrible person, almost a murderer!" Keefe exaggerated the last bit.

"He was not." Tam nudged him, glaring.

"Well, I want my daughter back!" Alden screeched.

"That's why we are here. We're hoping Glimmer has some information." Linh said.

"Oh." Tiergan coughed. "About that... Glimmer has been released."

"What?!" The whole group asked the same question, their faces getting more and more confused by the minute.

"She had no information to offer us... so The Council agreed to free her."

"Where is she?"

"Can we find her?"

Sophie asked the better question; "Alden, how did you find out? About Biana?"

"Fitz reached out to me telepathically." 

"Oh." Sophie sighed. At least he wasn't some kind of vanisher teleported now! 

Hey, the day was getting weird, it seemed like a possibility.

"Where is she?" Tam asked again.

"Her home." Tiergan said. "With her friends from Foxfire."

"She used to go there?" Wylie asked.

"What year?"

"Level 5."

"Did you know her identity?" Keefe asked.

"We put a tracker. We can't see her but we know her location. She is with one of her cousins, Valin."

At the mention of Valin, Sophie flushed. Keefe snorted.

Luckily no one noticed. They were too busy contemplating how to reach Glimmer and rescue Biana. But for a second, Sophie envied Glimmer. Getting rid of this villain life and returning to a normal one. 

What she would give...

"Sophie?" Linh nudged her.

She stumbled back to the reality, which was full of people trying to kill her family and friends and turning her boyfriend into a villain.

Was Keefe her boyfriend now?

She thought to ask him, but then realised their audience.

Alden would be angrier, considering that Keefe said that he had been told to forger Sophie.

Tiergan would just be annoyed by 'teen drama'. 

The others knew.

"Glimmer is at Crystallhilla?" Tam asked.

"Oh that's a weird place..." Keefe said.

"We should ask Jensi!" Sophie suggested.

"He's friends with Valin," She explained to the ones who didn't know.

Wow, dodn't know how to end that at ALL!

What do you guys think?

I'm happy, I updated twice in a day! Woohoo!

Happy reading!


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