Chapter 34

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"It's Keefe!" Sophie cried, breaking both the telepathic connections.  "We need to go to him! NOW!" 

"Where is he?" Fitz asked.

Keefe! Where are you?

Fox fire.

"He's at Foxfire." She said.

Foster? Don't come. Fronisa, the caretaker, is guarding the base. And he can freeze anything.

Of course we're coming, stupid.

She ended the connection again. "He said to watch out for Fronisa, the caretaker. He's a Froster, I guess."

Fitz sighed. "We could ask Tam to cover us with shadows."

"Perfect! So we need Tam, me, Maruca for force fields, Marella for fire weapons and Biana to vanish and call for help if needed! I guess if we're gonna save Keefe, you need to come to maintain the connection." She listed. 

"I'll tell Biana, you hail the others." He said.

"Okay! Meet back at Foxfire in 20 minutes."

She leapt home, and went to her imparter. 

"Sophie, if you're planning on going somewhere, I am coming." Sandor said, blocking her way to her room.

"We're just going to Foxfire!"

"You went there before, and hey, Keefe got kidnapped! I go where you go!" 

"Fine. Tam is going to have to cover us ALL with shadows then." Sophie tried to make him think about battle strategy, but of course he was in overprotective mode.

Secretly, she was glad Sandor was coming. No way they'd be able to beat Gisela without him, they'd be shredded. 

She got out her imparter. First she decided to hail Marella.

"Show me Marella Redek."

"Hi, Sophie!" Marella said. 

"Hey. Um, we're going to Foxfire base. Please come to Havenfield in ten?"

"Sophie. This could be a bad idea." Marella sighed. 




Marella cut the call. Next, Maruca. They had pretty much the same conversation. Luckily, Tam was with her since he was picking up Linh, so it saved her one extra call.

They all were at Havenfield in ten minutes, and Sophie was impressed. 

"Right. Let's go to Foxfire?" She led them to the Leapmaster.

"Yup." Maruca said. 

"Not like we had a choice." Tam grumbled.

Sophie pretended not to hear him.


The Vackers were already there when Sophie got there. 

"Took you long enough!" Biana teased.

"Sorry. Tam, cover us with shadows please. Watch out for Fronisa." Sophie said.

She felt a bit... different. In control. Unlike most missions.

When they were covered, they headed for the door. Surprisingly, it opened easily.

"Could this be a trap?" Marella whispered, echoing Sophie's thoughts. 

Sophie decided to talk to Keefe. He could help make sense of it.

Keefe? Is the hideout entrance rigged?

Did you open it?


Foster, get in here NOW!

"GET IN!" She whisper yelled. They all ran in, just in time to see huge ice blocks fall from the doorframe. 

They turned around, where Keefe was sitting. 

"KEEFE!" Sophie lunged for him. 


She buried her head in his shoulders.

"Why do you keep risking yourself for me?" She said, her voice muffled.

"Because I love you."

Guys, I am soooooooooooo sorry. Pls don't hate me, I've been busy, banned, and writers blocked. And attending a wedding without my iPad. Hey, it was my first wedding after seven years, I would go without my books if it meant I could attend.

I am soooooo sorry guys. You don't deserve this! 

QOTC: Ooh this one is hard : Fedex or Kam?

My answer: Kam. Fitz is unworthy if Dex. That is my sole reason.


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