Rachel started laughing and stood and took her plate and Ryan's too the sink. "What are you laughing at sweetheart?" Her mom asked as she placed the dishes in the sink.

"Nothing really, I think Warren is going to have a few bruises on his shin from Ryan kicking him to shush. Anyway, who wants dessert?" Rachel laughed.

Dinner plates were cleared and desserts where set out with their plates as well. Mom's chocolate fudge cake, Gran's pecan pie, Sara's chocolate oatmeal cookies and pistachio salad were all placed on the counter. Yummy.

"Ok, for those who are new, Warren, mom's cake comes with a warning." Warren's face was priceless as he was trying to figure out why a cake needed a warning. "So, before you eat it you need to know to be careful of pointy objects. Let's just say, if you are in prison mom can make this cake and hid a file in it and no one would know it. Use your fork and take small bits so you do not get a toothpick jammed in your mouth or worse, your throat." The room laughed because it was so very true.

"Ok, I have never in my life had to here a safety speech before eating a dessert. I am scared now, but it looks so dang good, I think I can take my chances." Warren muttered as he picked up a fork.

"Ok, Warren, please remember to take small bites for real. Warren shook the warning off and sure enough he took a big bite and just like that he had a toothpick stuck in his lip and roof of his mouth.

"Da...dang you weren't kidding. Are you serious?" Warren exclaimed as his mouth started bleeding. He looked around and he was being laughed at while he was bleeding.

Mom motioned for Rachel to help him. "Come on you big idiot. I hope you take orders better if you defend our country. Let's get that taken care of follow me." Ryan laughed and shook his head. Rachel took him to the hall bathroom and sat him on the toilet seat while she gave him a wash cloth. Warren was irritated but then he realized he was alone with Rachel. He could not get over how sweet and gorgeous she was. She smelled so wonderful.

"Hold still and open your mouth....steady....got it! NO splinters left either. You will make it. Now here is some peroxide and water for you to rinse your mouth." She stepped back for Warren to rinse with the cold peroxide water combo then washed her hands. "You know for your own safety you should listen and heed warnings about sharp objects in food."

"Well maybe there should not be any toothpicks left in cakes for impending death of a guest." Warren shot back.

Rachel looked at him as she put the towel back on the hanger. "Where would the fun in that be?"

Warren watched her lips as she spoke and he wanted them so badly, but this is Ryan's girl. Ryan is not in here right now. He took Rachel's hand as she walked away and pulled her around and into his arms.

"Warren what are you doing..." Rachel stumbled and fell into him as he planned and hugged.

Ryan had waited for them to be back and he had a bad feeling so he politely said he was going to make sure Warren had not passed out from blood loss, and everyone laughed. Walking down the hall he heard Rach's voice and it sounded stressed. He walked into the bathroom to see Warrens' arms around Rachel and his hand was about to touch her ass.

"Warren!" Ryan hissed at him and Warren quickly through his hands up. "Get your hands off Rach.

"Dude, I was just thanking her for saving my life. Damn bro. chill." Warren nervously stated as he wished Ryan had not come in he was so close to touching her tight ass but no.

Ryan was getting angry. "Rach, you ok baby? Warren I swear I will beat your ass if you touch her again."

"OK you two. Look, keep it down and get over it. No harm no foul. Warren you made a mistake right?" Warren nodded and mouthed sorry. "Ok, we are not ruining tonight so Warren. Go back to the table and Ryan we are going outside for a minute."

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