♪Chapter 74: The Turn of the Tied♪

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(This is the true ending. Where it continues to book 3. This is one of the endings while the other one is the bad ending which I'm working on.)

(Edit- There's a new trailer for Ninjago in the official Lego YouTube channel. I'm not even joking man.)

∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

(Y/n) made her choice. She stood there as she takes a few steps back from Nya.

(Y/n): "Go."

Nya looks up to her as she is shocked to hear that from her.

(Y/n): "What? I'm not going to stop you anymore. Go and save us all, Nya Smith... And be careful out there."

Nya runs up to her and hugs her. (Y/n) hugs her back as she knew there wasn't a way to get out of this mess. This was the only opinion they got.

Nya: "Thank you, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "No. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I was able to tell Lloyd about my marks and I'm glad you helped me get that confidence."

Nya: "I'm glad I could help."

Nya started to walk over to the ledge of the roof as she looked back at (Y/n). She had tears in her eyes as she waved goodbye. Nya smiles as she jumps into the water. She started to let herself to the full power of the sea as Jay woke up and gasped. The water from his lungs got out as everyone woke up and saw what was happening.

Master Wu: "Jay?"

Lloyd: "What's happening?"

Zane: "The water in his lungs is being drawn out!"

Cole: "How?"

A shining bright light was seen outside the window as they found out it was Nya's doing.

Benthomaar: "No!"

Master Wu: "What is she doing?"

Benthomaar: "She is attempting to merge with the sea. But it is something that can never be undone. She will be lost forever."

Master Wu: *Gasps* "We must stop her!"

They all ran out of the room as Jay was left alone. Nya successfully merges with the sea as she looks through the window to see Jay. He smiles at her as she leaves him to find Wojira.

Jay: "Nya. Wait!"

She left him alone as everyone else got to the rooftop and saw (Y/n), standing there as the wind hit her. They could see Nya left as a bright blue light travels around the sea.

Master Wu: "Nya! Nya! Come back!"

Benthomaar: "She did it."

Kai looks at (Y/n) as he grabs her by the collar.

Kai: "Why didn't you stop her?!"

(Y/n): "I did. But it wasn't enough. I knew what was going to happen so I let it happen. You need to understand that-"

Jay: "She's going after Kalmaar. She's going to finish it. And I'm going to help her."

♡Staying by your side♡Lloyd x F! Reader♡(Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora