❁Chapter 2: A Rocky Start❁

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❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

We all started to run around while packing everything that we needed for the quest. I grabbed my case of weapons, some of my clothes and my notebooks. I put them in my bag and went outside where we put all of our bags.

Lloyd: *Sighs* "That's the last of it."

Master Wu: "What is the meaning of this?"

We turned around to see Pixal and Master Wu.

Lloyd: "We're off on our quest. Remember? To hone our ninja skills."

Master: "How long are you going for?"

(Y/n): "For a week or so. Who knows."

Cole: "It's like you always say, better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it."

I turned to face Cole with a 'I have no idea what you just said' face.

Master Wu: "I never said that."

Jay: "Ha! And you say we never listen."

Master Wu: "I never said that either."

Pixal: "Master Wu, perhaps this is an opportunity to field-test the new joint-tactical vehicles."

Kai: "Oh! What new-joint-tactic- what?"

Pixal lead us back to the living room and pulled out three shurikens. She threw it to the dart board and it revealed a button. She presses it and the TV went down and an elevator opened up. We all got on and Pixal Scanned her hand to go down.

Lloyd: "Did anyone know this was here?"

Cole: "No."

Kai: *Sighs* "Nobody tells me anything. Neither (Y/n)."

Pixal: "We've been working on it for the past six months."

Jay: "I didn't even notice any construction."

Pixal: "You were playing video games."

Jay tried to remember but then shook his head when we arrived. The doors open to reveal a secret base. Everyone ran out to check it out while I walked slowly. There were new vehicles that had our colors.

Nya: "What's that?"

Nya was pointing to a large vehicle that kinda reminded me about the Bounty.

Pixal: "It is a heavily armoured six-wheeled mobile command vehicle. I call it the Land-Bounty."

Cole: "Dibs on the cycle!"

Kai: "I got the red one!"

(Y/n): "I'll take the other red cycle!"

Jay: "Aw!"

Pixal: "Each vehicle is equipped with an Operations Manual. Please be sure to thoroughly read-"

Pixal was cut off when everyone got on their vehicle and went off. I quickly grabbed the Manual and got on my cycle.

(Y/n): "I'll make sure to read this thoroughly, Pix!"

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