❥Chapter 14: Fire Maker❥

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❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

I finally put on my new suit for the cold as I put down my Gi in my bag. Not gonna lie, I didn't expect to use it at this time but I guess that's something I knew I had to take care of.

 Not gonna lie, I didn't expect to use it at this time but I guess that's something I knew I had to take care of

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(A/n- Chose which ever you like.)

I walked outside where the others could be seen sitting down in the snow. Nya was still trying to find the signal of the Mech while Jay and Kai were putting on the snow shoes the the villagers gave them. I looked over to the lake that was completely frozen and thick to walk on. The villagers could be seen talking to each other as I zoned out from reality.

'That Emperor... Who ever he is, he will give us back Zane. Even by force.'

I was cut off from my thoughts until Uthaug, a villager that was getting food from the river with his bubby, Boma, started to run back to us with alarming news.

Uthaug: "Blizzard Samurai. On the March."

Boma: "Heading for our village. We saw them coming down the pass."

Uthaug: "I heard them first, Boma's hearing isn't as good as-"

Boma: "Don't start that again."

Sorla: "Boma, Uthaug. Are you sure you saw this? You saw them?"

They both looked at each other before nobbing at the same time. Sorla looked down for a few seconds before speaking again.

Sorla: "Gather the elders. There's no time to lose."

They both nobbed and started to gather them around the fire. The villagers were murmuring to each other as they questioned what they were going to do.

Villager 1: "What do we do? The pass is only a few hours away."

Villager 2: "We have to hide. We must abandon the village."

Villager 3: "And leave the fire behind? Are you mad?"

Villager 1: "What choice do we have? I saw we hide in the village of the Formlings."

Villager 2: "I won't go there. Not after what happened. That place is cursed."

They all continued to murmur around until Sorla spoke up.

Sorla: "We cannot abandon the fire. The fire is life. We must protect it."

Kai: "I don't understand. Can't you just light another? You know, with matches or something?"

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