✿Chapter 60: The Call of the Deep✿

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

It was now the next day where you can hear Nya snoring in her bed as her mother walked to her room.

Maya: "Rise and shine, sleepyhead! It's 6:00 am, the early Ninja gets the worm. Oh, my!"

Once she opened the door to her daughter's room, she could see how it was a mess. Many trash and items were just thrown around as the chicken slept on the bed.

Maya: "Would you look at this mess? Dear, dear, dear. Okay, let's tidy this place up."

Maya started to clean up her room as Nya was looking annoyed as she turns around many times.

Maya: "A messy room makes for a messy ninja, Nya. And we are not messy ninjas. Spears belong in their racks, shuriken and throwing stars..."

Maya jumped over Nya's bed as the chicken got off the bed.

Maya: "...Belong in the shuriken and throwing star bin."

Nya: "Make it stop!"

Maya: "Bladed weapons don't just get stabbed into a wall. They actually have a place. And chickens don not belong indoors. Now, this place is starting to look like something. Are you still lying there? Come on! Up, up, up, sleepyhead!"

Maya pulls Nya out of the bed.

Maya: "I find the best way to start the day and chase away those 'sleepies' is with a few jumping jacks. Ready, set, go!"

Maya started to do jumping jacks while Nya just slumps down to the bed with no energy.

Nya: "Am I having a nightmare? Or is this really happening?"

Now, they were in the kitchen as Maya was making a pancake that wasn't like the rest.

Nya: "You made breakfast?"

Maya: "Of course, I made breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day of the day. If we're going to get you back in shape and fix your life, you're going to need your strength."

Nya: "My life does not need 'fixing', mother!"

Maya: "That's not what your brother says. He says your powers are going haywire and you can't control water anymore. Personally, I never had that problem when I was Master of Water... but never fear! We'll figure it out together."

Nya: "Um, why is the bacon green?"

Maya: *Laughs* "That's not bacon, silly. It's seaweed."

Nya: "Seaweed?"

Nya: "Goes great with Tofu pancakes."

Nya: "Ew! Yeah, no."

Maya: "And it'll get you in tune with your Element. Now, eat up! Gobble, gobble!"

Nya: "No way am I-"

She gets interrupted as Maya just feeds her the seaweed. She felt like she was about to vomit.


❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

Working down in the base and fixing the computers wasn't easy as Cole, Lloyd and I were working on that while the rest have gone off.

Cole: "Okay, I think I fixed it. Try the video feed."

Lloyd puts on the video feed as we see the outside of the Monastery.

Lloyd: "That did the trick."

Nya: "Can I help?"

We turned around to see that Nya was there.

(Y/n): "Oh, Nya. Sorry but we just finished here."

Nya: "Where are Pixal and Zane?"

Cole: "Uh, they, um, kinda went on a mission."

Nya: "A mission? Why didn't they tell me?"

Lloyd: "They thought it might be better to... handle it on their own."

Nya: "Why?"

Cole: "It was a water rescue."

Nya looked at us as she sighs and walks away from us.

(Y/n): "I feel bad for her. Maybe we can cheer her up?"

Cole: "Why don't you do it? I see that you and Nya gotten a bit more closer."

(Y/n): "Hmm... Maybe. I'll try."

I walked away to go upstairs. It is true that Nya and I gotten more closer than after I told her about my marks. I still don't feel right to tell the others about them but until then, I need time to embrace my marks. The doors opened as I walked out of the elevator. I'm not sure where Nya went but she couldn't went that far. Could she? I started at her room but she wasn't there.

(Y/n): "Where are you Nya...?"

I walked away from her room until I felt something pass me like it was a giant pulse of energy. I felt weird as it pass by.

(Y/n): "What the-?

I heard the water bottles shake as it started to bubble. They flew around as I ducked down before any of them hit me. They suddenly fell to the ground as it left a bunch of water on the ground. From afar, I could also hear the others freaking out a lot. I walked around the place to see a lot of water on the ground.

(Y/n): "Oh, come on! Now we got a big mess to clean up around here."

We started to use cleaning supplies to clean up the place. You wouldn't believe how much water was just lying around the place. We were cleaning the living room as the doors open to reveal Nya.

Nya: "I...I'm... I'm sorry for all the trouble. I don't know what's going on with me. But all of this is my fault."

Pixal: "I do not believe that is true."

We saw Pixal and Zane had returned from their mission as they came out of the elevator.

Master Wu: "What do you mean?"

Pixal: "Zane and I believe that an unexplained energy signal from the deep ocean is responsible for the fluctuations in your powers."

Lloyd: "What energy signal?"

Zane: "A pulse. Of unknown origins."

Pixal: "It appears to originate here. In the Tartarus Trench."

She shows us a part from the deep water.

Zane: "It is the deepest known point in the ocean."

Master Wu: "Didn't you built a submersible capable of deep sea exploration a number of years ago?"

Pixal: "I did. The Hydro-Bounty. But it was never fully tested."

Master Wu: "It's about to be. You're going diving."

(Y/n): "Welp... Time to go swimming wherever the f*ck that is."

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