。°Chapter 21: Awakening。°

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

Lloyd: "It's time we finished this, Zane. Once and for all."

Ice Emperor: "My name is not Zane!"

The Ice Emperor, also known as Zane, shouted as he stomped his sceptre to the ground.

Lloyd: "Yes, it is. And you're gonna remember it, if I to knock it into your thick Nindroid skull!"

Akita: "You know the emperor?"

Lloyd: "He's not an emperor. He's my friend. He's the one we're here to rescue. It's hard to explain, but I can't let you hurt him, Akita."

Akita growls at Lloyd and broke the ice from her weapon as she stood up.

Akita: "My will is not yours to command!"

Akita tries to attack him but Lloyd stops her by holding her.

Lloyd: "Akita, no! This isn't the way! You're letting your anger control you!"

Akita: "Stand aside, Lloyd! Or fall with him!"

Lloyd: "I won't let you hurt Zane! He's my..."

Lloyd couldn't even finish his sentence before Zane hits him from behind with his sceptre, making Lloyd get thrown away to the side from Akita's grasp.

Ice Emperor: "There is no Zane!"

Zane started to attack Akita as he throws her away and was about to hit her with his powers before Lloyd blocked the attack by using Spinjitzu. Meanwhile, (Y/n), Brimfax and Kataru continued to fight until they were surrounded. The three looked at each other as they nobbed to attack again but didn't work since the Ice Samurai chained up Kataru's arms and legs and make him drop to the floor. Brimfax's weapon was taken away by chains as well as (Y/n)'s weapon. The Samurai grabbed her while they dog pile Brimfax to not escape from their grasp.

Vex: "Lock this traitor in the dungeon, and throw the animal in with him. The rest of you, follow me with the girl."

The Samurai took Brimfax and Kataru away as the rest of the Samurai took (Y/n) with Vex. They put chains on her wrist as they walked to the throne room. Back with Lloyd, he was fighting with Zane as he used his powers to protect himself. Akita stood in the side while watching everything happen.

Lloyd: "Wake up, Zane."

He continues to fight as Zane hits him with his sceptre and grabbed by his leg and threw him to the side. Zane freeze half of his body and leaving his head unfrozen as he laughs. Akita steps in as she throws her dagger but misses her shot at Zane. Unfortunately, she gets frozen in place once she miss. Zane walks over to Lloyd.

Lloyd: "No! Akita. Zane, please."

Ice Emperor: "I told you, there is no Zane!"

(Y/n): "Lloyd!"

Lloyd looks behind Zane and saw that she was chained up as Vex brought her to Zane.

Vex: "Do it, Master. Finish it!"

(Y/n): "Please...Don't do this, Zane. This isn't you!"

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