|Chapter 41: Grief-Bringer|

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(A/n- This is your outfit and man, I didn't include armor because I'm not sure how the heck I can draw it in my phone. But I gotta say, (Y/n) looks like a traveler or an Adventure.)

❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

Everything wasn't going to plan. We wanted to team up with the Geckels to defeat the Skull Sorcerer but the Munce didn't want to team up with them. Even if Nya was queen of the Munce after defeating Queen Murtessa, they didn't want to listen.

Jay: "Guys, it's not a trap! The Geckels aren't your enemies!"

Lloyd: "The Skull Sorcerer is your enemy, and the only chance we have to defeat him is to work together!"

(Y/n): "Come on! Pretty please?"

The looked at us for a second before returning to fight each other.

(Y/n): "F*ck. That did nothing."

Nya: "It's no use, they're not listening."

Murtessa: "You must make them listen."

Nya: "Oh. It's you."

Murtessa walked over to us as both Nya and Murtessa glared at each other. That rivalry wasn't over after the battle with them.

Jay: "Nya, be nice."

Nya: "She attacked me with a giant spiked club, Jay. Remember?"

Jay: "Yeah, but if you hold every little thing against a person, you won't make any friends at all."

Nya: *Sighs* "Make them listen how?"

Murtessa: "Munce are proud. Strong. They respect only power."

We heard the sound of a little drop of water as Nya looks up to see a little leak. Nya started to use that small drop of water and making it bigger. She throws the water at the Munce who were on top of the table.

Nya: "All right, you Munce. Listen up! We are going to that truce meeting, and there will be peace! If I have to fight every last one of you! Is that clear?"

All of the Munce took it seriously as they all agreed to her decision.

Nya: "Good. Now, let's get this show on the road."

∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

The Munce weren't just the last problem that the ninja would face. The Geckels had disagreed with this too as they all argued like the Munce. Kai was trying to make them listen but nothing.

Kai: "Order! Order in the court."

Zane: "I do not believe they are listening."

Kai just sighs as he uses his powers to make the Geckels look at him.

Kai: "Thank you. Now, I propose that we trust the new Munce Queen, whoever she is, and go to the truce meeting."

Zane grabs a pebble and throws him one at Kai.

Zane: "Hear, hear! I am attempting to follow Geckel Parliamentary procedures."

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