∘˚˳°Chapter 5: Ninja vs Lava∘˚˳°

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

Jay: "That Clutch Powers guy might have run off to save himself, stranding us here, but I have to admit, his book is pretty good. It has a section for everything. Even, 'What to do when all is lost.' He recommends vocal exercises, like, Brobrogoo-goo."

Jay started to repeat that while Lloyd was getting annoyed.

Lloyd: "How is saying a bunch of nonsense possibly gonna help us?"

Jay: "It says it keeps you calm by relaxing your face."

Jay says it in a goofy voice.

Zane: "Perhaps Clutch didn't abandoned us. Perhaps he went to seek help."

Nya: "Sure. And maybe the evil snake queen we just accidentally released from an ancient tomb, who took down (Y/n), is heading to Ninjago City for some sightseeing."

Zane: "I find that highly unlikely."

Nya: "We need to update your sarcasm circuits, Zane. If we get out of here."

Cole: "We wouldn't even be hanging here if Jay hadn't opened that crypt."

Jay: "Me? Zane's the one who didn't warn us in time."

Lloyd: "How can you blame Zane? Who opens a possibly cursed tomb without checking it first?"

Jay: "Opening a tomb is how you check it out. And what about Kai, hmm? He's the one who let her steal his powers."

Jay pulls the chain, making Kai hit the wall and making (Y/n) groan in announce.

Nya: "Hey. Watch it!"

Lloyd: "She's right. How they're doing, Zane?"

Zane: "Kai's vital are stable. He should recover shortly. As for (Y/n), she is unconscious for now but has to get medical attention for her wound."

Lloyd: "Okay. Now we just have to figure a way out of here. Any ideas?"

Jay: "Maybe there's something in Clutch's book. He's got a chapter entitled, 'Escaping from close calls.'"

Cole: "Really? What does it say?"

Jay: "Let me check."

As he checks the book, the torches around the room started to burn off, which left the room dark.

Jay: "Aw, great. Now I can't even see."

The room lights up again but it wasn't the torches.

Jay: "Oh, that's better."

Nya: "Uh, Jay. Not better."

She points down to the lava that has entered the room.

Jay: "Incoming lava. Don't panic! Clutch has a whole chapter on rising lava. I just have to turn to that page."

He opens the book but accidentally drops it into the lava.

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