.⁠。⁠*⁠♡Chapter 57: End Of The Ancestors.⁠。⁠*⁠♡

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

Jalen and Elijah finally arrived at the final room that held the treasure. In the middle of the room, there was podium that had a placement for the gem. Jalen takes out the gem as they put in into the podium. A light shined out into the wall which showed a puzzle of the 3 members of the Symbol of Hope.

Elijah: "I'll take care of this. Puzzles are my specialty."

Jalen stays behind as Elijah walks over to the wall. He started to solve the puzzle until a voice spoke out.

Jay: "Aha! Caught you now, you no goody tissues."

Jalen: "Oh. No wonder I felt one of my bubble pop."

Cole: "Were going to kick your butts and end your plans."

Jalen just spits out laughing at them as the ninja were ready to fight them.

Jalen: "I can't believe you guys are so stupid to realize how you believe you can beat me? Don't be so naive. Your friend can't even beat me."

(Y/n): "B*tch, I'm gonna-"

Lloyd puts his hand in front of (Y/n)'s path.

Lloyd: "Stay out of this, (Y/n). We don't want you to get hurt again."

(Y/n): "Well that's no fun. You always have the fun when I ain't in the fight."

Lloyd: "Sorry but this is for your own good. Just stay behind us and everything will be alright."

She stays behind as everyone takes out their weapon. Jalen smirks as they take their sword out. The ninja started to use Spinjitzu as they headed for Jalen. Jalen jumps over them as Cole went to hit them with his hammer but failed when Jalen stops it and kicks him in the stomach.

Jalen: "Fail!"

He was thrown to the other side of the room as Jay went to use his lightning towards Jalen. Unfortunately, Jalen made a shield bubble as the lightning didn't get through the bubble. Kai uses his fire to do the same but it failed. The shield shatters as Jalen uses Spinjitzu.

Nya: "Looks like they know Spinjitzu too."

Master Wu: "We need to be careful with them. We are still not sure how much power they are capable of."

Jalen take on Kai and Jay as they throw them to the side.

Jalen: "Failures!"

Nya and Zane went next put failed as well. Master Wu tries to attack too with his stick but Jalen stop him.

Jalen: "Nice try, old man."

Master Wu: "I am not just a old man."

Master Wu did his Spinjitzu as he attacked Jalen. They landed on their feet as Jalen also uses Spinjitzu. It was even. Almost. Jalen makes a blast as it throws off Master Wu to the side.

Jalen: "Even the master has failed. Now it time for the boy who is the savior of all Ninjago. Let's see how it will fall when your gone with your friends."

♡Staying by your side♡Lloyd x F! Reader♡(Book 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum