*⁠.⁠✧Chapter 53: Break in the Stone*⁠.⁠✧

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(A/n- I didn't know what to do when (Y/n) and Lloyd waked up but I just thought of Xiao from genshin impact. I still remember the time about the kazoo part so I decided to go with that.
I also know what's happening in with Tighnari's English VA, Elliot Gindi. I am not liking anything he did and I like the character Tighnari since I am a Tighnari main. But for now, I will stay a Tighnari main but will change the voices to another language until Tighnari's English VA gets replaced. And I don't support him about what he did.)

∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

A kazoo was heard from under the rocks and it was reveal to be (Y/n) playing the kazoo while singing. Lloyd was trying to sleep but couldn't as the kazoo and singing was getting annoying to him. He opens his eyes as he sees (Y/n) just vibing.

(Y/n): "If death comes knocking at your door,"

She play the kazoo as she continues to sing.

(Y/n): "Call out my name! *Kazoo* Adeptus Xiao! *Kazoo* I will be here! When you callll~"

Lloyd: "That's enough kazoo for you, (Y/n)."

He takes the kazoo from her as he puts it back in the backpack.

(Y/n): "I didn't even get to finish! Give it back!"

Lloyd: "F*ck no. You been playing it since you woke up from our quick nap. Aren't you even hungry?"

(Y/n): "What make you think I'm hungry right now? I'm not Cole!"

Lloyd: "I know that. You are like his sibling but not related at all. I know you."

(Y/n): "Well, that's true but I ain't a very hungry person. Besides, I've packed some food but uh... It's kinda crushed since the fall I took. You want something thing? You get a crushed pack of cookies, gummies that still look delicious, chocolate, and... Whatever the things I took. And now that I'm saying the snack, I'm now hungry for one."

She takes the chocolate, opens it as half of it was broken because of the fall. She gives the other part of the chocolate to Lloyd as he accepts it.

Lloyd: "Thanks."

They took a bite as they just sat there quiet while looking at the only light source they got. It was the torch that (Y/n) lit up with her powers. It was bright and gold as it showed hope burning around them.

(Y/n): "Do you ever think that maybe... Maybe there isn't something to hope about?"

Lloyd: "What do you mean?"

(Y/n): "Well, you know I'm the Symbol of Hope, right? I just feel like I'm not truly made for that name. I still think about what Ronin said."

Lloyd: "Whatever he meant by that, it's not true. You are a hero like us. You haven't fail yet."

(Y/n): "I've only failed once. You don't even know what happened. I was there when the fight happened. I was there when the kid was losing their life. I was there to witness everything in the fight."

Silence was heard around the cave as the light started to lower down and make crackled sounds.

(Y/n): "I still kinda blame myself for not saving them but... That's how life is. Life can be beautiful at times but the other times... It can be cruel and take away something you love. For example, I've lost Harumi, my real parents, my two adopted parents, and I lost a kid's life. So now, I have a new family which is you and our friends. I'm glad I've met you."

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