| 41: enraged |

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Yoongi's eyes widened, "My my Miran, you've certainly my way of cussing" 

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Yoongi's eyes widened, "My my Miran, you've certainly my way of cussing" 

I bit my inner cheek to stop myself from smiling at his compliment. "I'm serious Yoongi"

"Fine..." He sighed, "Taehyung just got me into trouble in the past, okay? Nothing for you to worry about"

I giggled as Yoongi ruffled my hair. I heard a faint dripping sound, causing me to look down. "Yoongi you're bleeding!"

I gasped as I realise a small pool of blood had formed between us, as Yoongi's knuckle oozed with blood.

"Shit" He grumbled. 

I threw off my hoodie and wrapped it around Yoongi's hand, causing him to glance at me confusedly. 

"Why'd you do that for? Your jacket is going to be contaminated!"

"Don't care, we're heading to the nurses' office anyways" Before Yoongi could respond, I linked arms with him and dragged him towards the office.


"Now what could've Mr Min be doing to have caused such an injury?" An older nurse, named Alfie asked as he finished wrapping Yoongi's bandage.

"Nothing concerning?" Yoongi deadpanned, causing the elder to smile.

"If it wasn't that concerning, I wonder why your friend rushed you here?"

Yoongi pursed his lips and looked away. I sent Yoongi a reassuring glance. 

"Someone pissed me off that's all" He scoffed.

"Doesn't mean you should take it out on the wall" Alfie chuckled, causing Yoongi to frown.

"If this is your way of showing concern, Alfie, I'll let you know it's not helping" Yoongi grimaced, as Alfie pulled away.

The nurse turned to me, "You're good with him. Keep it up" he complimented, causing my eyes to widen.

"The fuck did he just say?" Yoongi barked, as Alfie pranced away.

I shook my head and turned back to my friend. "Never mind. How's your wrist?" 

"Hurts like hell. But I'll get over it. It was my fault anyways" Yoongi sighed. "Thanks for taking me here Miran"

"That's what friends are for right" I chuckled, earning a flick on the forehead. "What was all that between you and Taehyung?"



"I told you, he's an asshole just trying to piss me off" 

I huffed, "That's unfair, I took you here when I could have let your fist bleed out. If you want to be like then fine, I'm off!" I stood up and grabbed my bags, and pretended to walk out of the room.

"Miran wait!" Yoongi sighed, causing me to stop. "Dammit, I'll tell you"

A smirk crept up on my face, and I slowly turned on my heel.

"Why'd you have to be so childish?" Yoongi groaned.

"I'm only 9 years younger than you" I grinned and plopped myself beside him, earning another flick.

Yoongi rubbed his face and spoke, "Look, Taehyung is a dick head. He's your typical playboy, who has no dirt on him and has everyone wrapped around his finger"

"I'm used to those types. My high school was filled with them" I mumbled.

"Taehyung isn't your usual playboy. He really fucked me up in the past, and I got into a lot of trouble. I was young and naive and thought he was helping me, but he screwed me up. I thought we'd never cross paths again, but now here he is. I can't risk being anywhere near Taehyung again, because I know he will fuck me up again with any chance he gets"

I pursed my lips together. Damn...

"What exactly did he do to you?"

"Miran..." Yoongi groaned.



"Yoongi!" I snapped.

"I was in a gang alright? Taehyung was the ring leader, and we got into trouble with the police. Everyone ditched my ass and I was the fall guy. For as long as I live, I will never forgive him"

"Yoongi... I'm so-"

"Save it Miran. I should be hearing it from Taehyung"

I didn't realise how brutal Yoongi's past was. But now I'm dying to find out why he joined a gang in the first place, and what really went down in his past. I will find out, no matter what the cost. 

"Just promise me to stay away from him alright?" Yoongi cupped my cheeks, causing me to lock eyes with his concerned maroon ones.

Whatever went down between the pair, still really hurts Yoongi. And probably a lot more than he's letting on.

Yoongi continued intensely gazing at me, causing me to look away as I felt my cheeks warm.

"You know I can't. Although this place is big, people like Taehyung always pop up when you least expect it" I nervously chuckled, trying to ignore the surfacing butterflies in me.

Calm down Miran...

"Miran please..." Yoongi groaned. I gulped hard as he took my hands in his.

Seriously, why am I so nervous?

"I'll try my best" I smiled.

"Good girl" Yoongi beamed, as his beautiful gummy smile spread across his face. 


"That'll be £7 for your lunch, miss" The dinner lady spoke.

I swiped my bank card against the till, and it declined.


I swiped again, and it declined. 

"Try typing in your pin miss"

I followed her instructions, and my card was declined again. 

"I don't understand. I topped up last week!" I gasped and glanced up at the lady pleadingly.

"You can go to the cashpoint, but you'll have to put your plate aside. There's a huge queue behind you miss" The lady pointed and I frowned realising how long it was.

Dammit! Why out of all times does my bank card have to decline?

"Oh-okay! I guess I'll put my food back then-"

"It's okay ma'am. I'll pay for her lunch" A deep voice came from beside me, causing me to turn to it.

"Taehyung?!" I gasped, causing a sly smirk to spread across his features.

"Nice to meet you Miran" He chuckled and paid for my lunch.

I was completely gobsmacked. Funny how the only person Yoongi told me to avoid, is now paying for my lunch.

I studied Taehyung's face as he continued smirking at me. Handsome yes, but it's usually guys with pretty faces that you should never trust. At least, that's what my dad taught me.

After mum cheated on him with my dad's handsome best friend.

"T-thanks" I stuttered.

"May I join you for lunch?" Taehyung ran a hand through his locks, causing his maroon locks to fall against his face.

What was I supposed to do? Ignore him after paying for my lunch?


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