| 33: miran's regret |

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Miran you fucking dumbass

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Miran you fucking dumbass...

"I need a cigarette so bad right now..." I whimpered, glancing out to the window, "But now the fucking shops are closed."

I buried my head into my pillow and groaned loudly.

My cigarettes are the only thing that kept me sane all these years...

I tried to ignore the increasing burning sensation in my throat as it mixed with rage.

I was dying for a cigarette right now.

"...Fuck me" I whimpered, tugging on my hair.



And so, the second most painful week in my life had begun, and I could do nothing about it.

Hoseok was still at nursing placement, so I didn't want to bother him with my problems because he probably already had a lot to deal with.

Yoongi has kept his distance from me since last week and continued to sit at the front of the lecture hall alone.

I don't know if Yoongi returned to his smoking, but I wouldn't have been able to tell since I haven't hung out with him.

Unfortunately, Helen and her friends have been interrogating me about Yoongi, since they're so used to seeing us together.

But I've made excuses such as 'He's gone back to his old ways', to keep them away.

Even though I've known Yoongi for a few months, he's made my dull university life interesting, and I really enjoy his company. I really regret going overboard with helping him. 

Yoongi was right... I don't know him as well as I thought.



"I've lost count of the nicknames Hoseok has given me since he first came here, from honey bun to sugar cheeks and now sexy face?" I chuckled, shaking my head as I packed away some glasses.

"I wonder how he's doing in the hospital. I bet he'll be a great nurse when he graduates" I grinned, glancing at a rather solemn Miran.


Slight pity rose in me, as the woman played with her fingers and lay slouched on the counter.

"Are you still upset about Yoongi?" I asked, causing her to glance up at me.

"Hmph..." Miran mumbled as she continued playing with her hands.

Poor thing, I'm not used to seeing Miran so down. She's usually so happy, carefree and bubbly, especially when Yoongi is around.

"It's been almost two weeks, and Yoongi still hasn't spoken to me" Miran grumbled, "...And it's all my fault. Yoongi's probably gone and intoxicated himself with cigarettes and alcohol because of me"

I missed our muses trio, and it wasn't the same without Yoongi.

He must have been very angry with Miran for throwing out his cigarettes, but it's not that deep.

But I guess it's not the same for him. In these past few months, I've noticed how Yoongi's cigarettes seemed to be the only thing that seemed to keep him sane.

If there was any way to help him, but there's only so much we can do, since Yoongi refuses to open up to us.

"Even if you feel bad, you did the right thing Miran" I pat her head, causing her to glance up at me.

"You've been beating yourself up about this for almost two weeks, but you do realise you've literally stopped Yoongi from potentially killing himself with that awful habit of his?" I smiled.

Miran slowly sat up, as a hopeless expression filled her face.

"I know but... I feel like I've made everything worse!" Miran sighed.

"Oh Miran" I chuckled, "Things may seem that way, but believe me, you've changed Yoongi so much in these past few months, you don't even realise it."

Miran raised her eyebrows at me as I continued,

"You're the only one Yoongi has opened up to, let alone be given the privilege of hanging out with him. You somehow endured Yoongi's potty mouth and harsh nature all this time, and you both worked on a project together for two months and survived it, so what makes you think Yoongi will stay mad at you forever?"

Miran glanced down at the table, as she started playing with her locks.

"Namjoon..." A faint smile appeared on her face.

"I'm so used to receiving naggy texts from Yoongi every morning, telling me to 'GTFO my bed' and calling me 'a lazy dumbass that will be late for my lectures'" Miran explained with bunny ears.

"I really miss our trio. I have been trying to get by, but I can't stop thinking about the adventures we've shared together, like being here at Muses" Miran sighed.

"Things will get better, Miran" I smiled, ruffling her hair.



I can't believe I'm doing this. 

How many weeks has it been now? I think at least 4 weeks. That's almost a month...

"Four fucking weeks..." I mumbled, ignoring the confused stares of my flatmates as I came out of my building.

A familiar burning sensation began deep within my chest for the seventh time today, but with every passing day, I'd somehow managed to get by and ignore it.

I gulped hard as the feeling spread, causing my tongue to dry and my mind to drift back to the one and only thing that would solve this feeling right now, my cigarettes.

No Yoongi!! Get those fucking thoughts out of you!!

I sighed loudly and continued down the campus, until my eyes landed on the familiar building of Miran's.

"Fuck sake!!" I grumbled, causing others to turn to me. "What the fuck are you all looking at?!" I snapped, causing them to look away.


I sighed loudly and went into her block.

Since I stopped- no- since my delicacies were stolen from me, I have become more irritable, especially around others.

I couldn't go an hour without swearing at myself and causing constant unnecessary attention from others.

It was just absolutely fucktastic, being more aware of my surroundings now I didn't have a distraction anymore.

And finally, I made it to the familiar hallway of Miran's dorm.

...Have I been too much of a dick and left it too long?


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