| 28: fighting |

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"Enjoy sweetheart!!" The chef waved at me

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"Enjoy sweetheart!!" The chef waved at me.

"Thank you so much!!" I excitedly clutched the doughnut bags against my chest and ran towards Yoongi.

Is it just me but are all doughnut chefs such angels? Squeeeee!!!

"Omg these smell so delicious!!" I sqeauled, pressing the doughnut bags against me tighter, "I can't wait to eat them!!"

The doughnuts' succulent smell completely intoxicated me. Mixes of fried and syrupy scents filled my nostrils and endless layers of sugar coated the crunchy golden spheres.

I couldn't help but chuckle, as I thought back to the last time I bought doughnuts. It's ironic because Yoongi was ready to kill me, but now we are sharing it as friends this time!

"Serves you fucking right!!" A voice growled in front.

"You asshole!! What's your fucking problem? Rolled out on the wrong side of bed this morning?" A voice yelled back.

"You fucking sneezed on me!!" Cried a familiar voice.

Yoongi? What's going on?!

I continued running until I was blocked by a huge crowd, where I could see two men faintly swinging punches at each other through the gaps.

"Come back here you asshole!!" Yoongi screeched.

"Calm the fuck down. All you've gotta do is  go to the portaloo and wipe your face, it's not that deep!!" A man retorted.

"Not that deep huh?! Now your stepping in some real shit!!" Yoongi roared, as I finally pushed myself through the crowd and was now in front.

I gasped as Yoongi suddenly lunged at the man and grabbed him by his collar.

"What makes you think you can go around spreading your fucking germs huh?" Yoongi breathed into the man's face "Some people are extra sensitive to things like that and we don't need shitheads like you around"

The man raised his eyebrows at Yoongi, "You sound like a germaphobe. Get over yourself, this is a public space for crying out loud!! You must have been shacked up your entire life to act this way!!"

"You fucking asshole!!" Yoongi threw the man to the ground, causing multiple gasps from around me.

"You're so going to regret ever messing with me..." My eyes widened as Yoongi suddenly rolled up his sleeves, exposing his muscular inked biceps.

He swung his arms around, as he kneeled at the man.

"You like talking a lot of shit don't you?" The man cackled, a massive grin spreading across his face.

"Don't you fucking dare" Yoongi seethed.

"Well let's see about that" The man suddenly jumped up and rolled up his sleeves.

"MIN YOONGIIII!!!" I screamed, causing everyone around to become silent, "STOP IT!!"

Yoongi turned to me with a startled expression, "Miran?! What are you-"


Rage suddenly filled Yoongi's face as he stared at me with darkened eyes, "That fucker sneezed in my face!! How do you expect me not to react?!"

I whipped my head towards the man, as he continued throwing punches at the air.

"Your boyfriend suddenly attacked me for no reason!! He must be on his man period or something, but can you PLEASE control your man!!" He wailed.

Yoongi's eyes darkened if possible, "Listen you fucker-"

"YOONGI!!" I gripped the man's wrist with my free hand, "ENOUGH OF THIS MADNESS, I AM SERIOUSLY-"

"Finally!! Security is here!!" The man sighed loudly, causing me to turn towards a group of uniformed men in the distance as they ran toward us.

Shoot. We need to run!!

"Would you like to get the fuck out of here?" Yoongi whispered into my ears.

I gave him a knowing look and we suddenly bolted out of the crowd.

"Hey!!" The man screamed, "Where do you both think you're going?!"

We kept running past many crowds, portaloos and doughnut stalls, in fear of being caught.

"You see that?!" I panted, pointing toward a small woodland, "Let's hide in there!"

"Gotcha" Yoongi huffed and we increased our pace.

After we had ventured deep enough into the woodland, we finally slowed down.

"Finally..." I panted, "I haven't done that much running in ages!!"

Yoongi panted from beside, "Seriously Miran? That's nothing compared to what I've done in the past" He chuckled, regaining his breath.

The real question is... what have you done in your past?

I finally sat up and faced my friend. "Now what upset you?" I chuckled, locking eyes with the man, as he resumed scorning himself.

"While I patiently waited for you to buy the doughnuts, someone crashed into me. As I was ready to confront the man, he suddenly leaned in and sneezed on my face!!" Yoongi grimaced as he clenched his fists, "Now I have shit all over my face!!"

Yoongi was distraught, as he started pacing up and down and a strain of inaudible cusses slipped out of his mouth.

Yoongi cannot go a day without some form of drama being attracted to him.

Seeing Yoongi acting so erratic would have me howling by now, only if he didn't have someone else's germs on his face.

"I'm sure it's not that bad!" I reassured and approached the man.

"Not that bad huh?!" Yoongi snapped as he walked up to me, and I studied his face.

Holy macaroni!!!

My eyes widened as I realised some boogers were splattered across his cheeks, nose and forehead.

"What is it Miran?!" Yoongi whimpered as he grabbed my wrist, "Why are you making that face?!"

I gulped loudly and coughed, "I-it's nothing!! I just saw a pigeon behind you!!" I lied, breaking out of his grasp.

Yoongi would be mortified if I'd told him, and I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Fuck this" He cried and threw our bags on the floor.

I gasped as Yoongi dug through his bag and threw out various types of cleaning products, until he finally pulled out a huge pack of antibacterial wipes.

How does he even have the space to store all these things in his bags?!


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