| 19: we meet again |

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"Oh fuck..." Yoongi panted as he ran back to his chair, "That was so close"

"You're lucky you made it" I giggled, earning myself a flick on the forehead.

"I need a shower" Yoongi grimaced, as he picked at his clothing.

But isn't he thirsty after all that drinking last night?

"Here, have this first" I chuckled, throwing Yoongi his bottle, "You need to hydrate yourself!"

Yoongi glanced at the bottle in disgust and glared at me.

"Look Yoongi, we're both as soiled as each other and need showers. But drink it, you'll need it"

Yoongi hesitantly raised the bottle as he stared down at it.

"Oh fuck it" He grumbled.

I couldn't believe my sight as Yoongi suddenly chugged down the entire bottle, as groans, gasps, and spluttering sounds came out of the man.

I didn't think Yoongi was capable of making such noises...

"Ah..!" Yoongi yelped as he wiped his lips with his sleeve, "I needed that so fucking bad..."

I was still awestruck as he glanced at me with a confused expression. "What are you looking at dumbass?!"

"...Damn Yoongi, you sound like someone out of a porno!!" I snickered.

"Shut the fuck up dumbass, you look like shit" He growled.

"I was only joking-" Before I could defend myself, Yoongi suddenly grabbed my wrist, followed by the pub's keys and dragged me outside.

"Hey!!" I winced, as Yoongi placed the keys in the door, "You're so damn strong!!"

The man continued ignoring me as he locked up the pub.

"Well, I certainly don't want to walk into class smelling like shit now do I?" The man scoffed, turning to face me.


And what I thought would be the end of seeing Yoongi- except for our unexpected meetups at Muses club- was certainly not the case.

I've lost count of how many times Yoongi said he wouldn't have anything to do with me after this project, but it seems to have not gone that way.

But now I am certainly convinced that Yoongi doesn't hate me as much anymore, since he doesn't seem as pissed when he sees me.

Even though we no longer hang out together in our free time, we continued our usual greetings and his response of the usual 'oi brat'.

And finally, my classmates had gotten used to our interactions.

Our regular meetups with the incredible bartender Namjoon in our beloved Muses, were always the highlight of the week. Now our homework had increased, I certainly appreciated the time at the pub more.

Although Yoongi had limited expressions, I felt he'd changed.

Even though the others didn't see it, I realized that the Muses pub made Yoongi happy.

Although it's none of my business, I sometimes wonder what type of past Yoongi had, because of his brash nature and how he dresses.

Yoongi could be an emo, but I've never encountered anyone like him. He despised everyone, and I was never short of the man's verbal abuse. But something inside kept burning at me to probe him more.

To see the side Yoongi hides from others.

And I guess it kind of has worked after all this time..?

I assume that something terrible must have happened in Yoongi's past, for how he was... and still is.

But if anything, I wonder how Yoongi survived university with the amount of human interaction that happens in our lectures, daily.

Even though it's unlikely, I wonder if I'll ever have the privilege of finding out why Yoongi is the way he is, at least during the next few years of the university together...

"Tick tock, tick tock" Chimed the clock.

I grit my teeth together as I tried to ignore the annoying clock and continued reading my psychology book.

"Tick tock tick tock"

Focus Miran... focus...

"Tick tock tick tock..."

Argh!! I can't do this anymore!!

I slammed my book down, causing other students to gawp at me in the library.

"Sorry..." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks warm. I can't focus anymore! I was too excited!!

I glanced at the library's clock, and I couldn't help but smile.

Why? Because Hoseok was coming home from the hospital today!! It felt like forever since I'd last seen him!!


I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran towards the exit. 

As much as I love studying, it can wait today. Because seeing my BFF is far more important!!

I was like a child again, running through the university's halls as giggles kept slipping out of my mouth.

"I'm so excited to see you Hoseok!!" I sqeauled, earning a few confused glances.

"Tee-hee, we have so much to catch up-" Before I could finish my sentence, I collided with a tough and muscular back, causing me to go flying.

"Owhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed, as my butt collided with the floor. I gasped as my bag went flying.

So much for celebrating...

I grimaced as I rubbed my sore head and butt. "Your back is like a sack of rocks!!" I groaned, grabbing my bag and trying, but struggling to stand up.

"What the fuck is your problem asshole?!" A voice growled facing away from me, as I tried to identify the person.

Silver hair, black piercings all over the back of his ears, bulging inked arms, a leather-ripped sleeveless jacket, combat trousers and steel-toed boots.

It's none other than-

"Min Yoongi?!"

"Ryu Miran?!"


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