| 29: yoongi's bedroom |

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"Fuck it!! I need more!!" Yoongi groaned and threw down the pack of wipes.

"Yoongi!" I scolded, becoming irritated with his actions, "This will have to make do! We're only here for our psychology trip so we pass our next assignment!!"

"You'll never fucking understand, Miran. How dare you say that!!" Yoongi glared at me.

I've had it with these man's ways today.

"Did I not save your ass enough today? If you were caught, you could've been arrested! Does that not scare you at all?!"

Yoongi's eyes slightly widened as he looked away, as an unreadable expression filled his face.

Did I say something wrong?

"You're right..." He breathed, and pulled out his hand gel bottle. I gasped as the man squeezed gel out and smothered his entire face.

"A-aren't you worried about getting your eyes-"

"I don't fucking care" Yoongi scoffed as he rubbed in even more gel.

"I need more... this isn't enough!!" Yoongi groaned as he threw his hands down. "I need bleach!!"

"Yoongi!" I scolded, "You'll end up peeling your skin off!!"

"I couldn't care less"

I rolled my eyes and picked up the pack of wipes. "Here, let me rub your face"

Yoongi pursed his lips together, and I pulled out several wipes.

"Keep your eyes closed. I don't want to blind you" I instructed as he closed his eyes.

I wiped every inch of my friend's face, ensuring every booger came off with every wipe.

"You're clean now" I smiled, bagging up the wipes.

"Tch..." Yoongi scoffed as he slathered his calloused hands in even more hand gel.

"Oh Yoongi" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"We should head back to our classmates. They're probably worried about us now"

Upon hearing no response, I turned to a rather concerned Yoongi as he stared at me.

"...Is there anything else you need?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

I watched as Yoongi pulled his hand gel bottle out and furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"My hands are clean!" I protested, "See!" I held my hands up to his face.

Yoongi still wasn't satisfied.



I realised there was no way around it, as he glared into my soul. What Yoongi wants, Yoongi gets.

"Fine" I sighed in defeat.

I grabbed the bottle and squeezed a bit on my hands. "There, you happy now?" I scoffed.

Yoongi's eye twitched a little as he stared down at my hands.

"What's your problem now?" I huffed.

Before I could protest, Yoongi suddenly went behind me and wrapped his muscular arms around me, cupping my hands in his.


"Miran..." Yoongi breathed into my neck, "This is how you do it properly..."

I fought back a blush as he squeezed a large amount of gel on my palms, and massaged it into every crevice of my hands.

My mind went blank as Yoongi's musuclar body moved against mine in synch, as he continued rubbing my palms until they were dry.

"There..." He breathed, causing me to turn to him.

I gasped slightly as I realised we were inches apart.

"...You're nice and clean now Miran" Yoongi beamed, exposing his pearly teeth.


Yoongi pulled away, allowing me to regain my senses.

What just happened?!

"I was always clean Yoongi" I grumbled, earning a flick from him.

I glanced away as I tried to block out what had just happened. I don't know what just came over me, why was I so stunned?

Yoongi was just... sanitising my hands that's all.


Today, I felt lucky.


Because after all this time Yoongi had finally invited me to his dorm room, which I had been dying to see for a while now.

"And no touching!! I have sanitiser bottles placed around every corner of my room, in case you take an interest in one of my items" Yoongi scolded as we approached his door.

"Oh Yoongi, I'm not a child!! I'm almost 19 for Pete's sake!" I chuckled, shaking my head.

Yoongi whipped his head to me, as we finally arrived outside his door.

"I know you don't trust me Yoongi, but I will respect your wishes and do as you say" I pat his shoulder, earning a glare from the man.

Yoongi took out his keys and unlocked his door. "I suck balls at introductions, but here is my room"

I gasped as he opened the door, a fresh lemony scent filling my nostrils as Yoongi revealed a spacious room of an earthly-coloured scheme.

Yoongi undid his steel-toed boots and immediately placed his feet inside his slippers, which were placed neatly by the door.

I was awestruck at his room, as various candles and cleaning product scents lingered in the air. A large beige rug lay spread across the ground, and pastel-coloured bedsheets covered Yoongi's bed, accompanied by a puffy propped up pillow.

A huge window lay across from me, where I could see London's spectacular landscape through it.

Just as I was about to step inside, a large palm shoved itself in my face.

"Stop!!" Yoongi growled, "Take those off and put these on!!" He pointed at my shoes and then at a pair of spa slippers that were my eexactshoe size?!

"Yes Captain Levi!!" I giggled, taking off my shoes and hopping into my spa slippers.

Yoongi closed the door back and ushered me towards his unbelievable tidy desk, with a variation of notebooks, revision guides and cleaning products that were neatly placed in different corners.

It makes my room look like a pigsty, unlike Yoongi's home show- styled flat.

I watched as Yoongi squeezed a huge amount of hand gel from his desk sanitiser, and smothered his calloused hands with it.

"Miran" He began, boring his eyes into mine, "Put this on now"

I giggled and allowed Yoongi to squeeze a reasonable amount of gel into my palms and rub it in.

"You can take off your jacket Miran" Yoongi gestured, causing me to take it off and he hung it up.

Yoongi pointed to his desk chair, which was covered in plastic.

"Thank you" I smiled and excitedly placed myself in his seat. I couldn't help ut continue admiring the beautiful interior. If his bedroom is this clean, I wonder what Yoongi's bathroom is like?


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