| 11: cigarettes |

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"These were a rip-off

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"These were a rip-off. How do you keep affording these cancer sticks?"

Wow, Miran went out of her way for me.

I glanced back up at the woman and took the cigarettes. "Thanks"

"Wow, you're getting politer by the day!" Miran chuckled.

"Shut up dumbass" I scoffed, flicking her forehead, "Don't bother me again"

And with that, I turned on my heel and left the library.

"Aye aye captain!!" Miran excitedly called from behind.

Dumbass. I couldn't help but chuckle at her ditzy nature as I walked through the halls.



Thanking Yoongi was more straightforward than I thought!! I'm glad he accepted the cigarettes.

"Miran, are you alright? You seem quieter than usual" Hellen called from beside.

"Just had a late night that's all" I smiled, glancing between Hellen and her concerned friends.

That was partially true, but I didn't want to tell them the truth since rumours about Yoongi and me could spread like wildfire.

Plus, I didn't want Yoongi to hate me any more than he already did.

"Eww!! He smells like smoke!!" A guy wailed from in front, as others around him started coughing violently.

Alas, the silver dragon has returned to claim his throne.

I turned around as Yoongi trudged into the hall, the faint smell of tobacco lingering in the air as he walked past.

I couldn't help but chuckle as my classmates grimaced at a careless Yoongi, as he approached his seat, headphones plugged in.

"Ack!! He stinks" A guy wailed as Yoongi sat in front of him.

And just like that, the entire hall became silent as Yoongi pulled out his headphones and gazed into the very soul of that man.

"Cram it, dumbass" Yoongi growled and plugged his headphones back in.

I chuckled as the entire hall glanced at each other with stunned faces.

"That's the lightest insult I've ever heard from him!" A group of girls gasped.

"Bruh, for once Yoongi rolled out on the right side of the bed!!" A guy gasped, followed by everyone returning to their usual chatter.

A massive smirk spread across my face. I swear, my everyday lectures were like a drama with Yoongi around.

Ironic, since Yoongi was the main character of this story...

"Yoongi's changed in the past few days" Came Hellen from beside, "Are you sure you don't have anything to do with this Miran?"

"I wouldn't say so" I chuckled, getting out my books.

"Good morning class" Mr Bang greeted as he entered the lecture hall. "From the next term onwards in psychology class, you'll study how attitudes have changed towards the conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds over the years. But this will require you to work in groups"

Exited squeals filled the hall, causing me to roll my eyes. I seriously hated group work, because no one ever listened to me. I always performed best alone. I can't believe we still have to do group work at university?!

Mr Bang continued explaining the required concepts for the upcoming project, and what would be required to pass.

"Sir, will working in pairs be fine?" A woman asked.

"Yes, at least two people will be fine"

I couldn't help but scoff. Great. My first term at university will be spent working with someone I'll most likely hate.

I glanced down at an unbothered Yoongi as he glanced between his nails. I wonder how Yoongi's going to survive. He hates people more than me!!

Mr Bang went around the entire lecture hall, handing out the task as people excitedly chatted.

I glanced down at the paper and frowned. This task looks pretty easy, I wonder why it requires two people?

And just like that, the lecture was over as everyone poured out of the hall.

I was never in a rush to leave the lecture hall, and was always the last one to leave.

I quickly glanced down and saw Yoongi trudging up the stairs with a blank expression.

"Tee-hee" I giggled, as I pretended to ignore him.

I felt a strong pair of eyes on me while packing my books.

"Brat" Yoongi mumbled, causing me to look up.

"Yoongi" I grinned. "Who are you going to be working with for this project?" I asked innocently.

"Isn't it obvious? Myself, dumbass"

"But the professor said-"

"I don't give two fucks" Yoongi scoffed, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Okay then, suit yourself. As they say, teamwork makes the dream work" I chuckled, grabbing my bag and standing up.

"Pfft, my ass" Yoongi shot me a glare and came out of the lecture hall.

"Hey!!" I wailed, chasing after the silver-haired man, "Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you always know what's best!"

"Oh Miran," Yoongi turned around, causing me to stop in my tracks, "You don't know me as well as you think. So stop trying to"

He finally called me by my name after all this time...

"Well, you can't stop me!" I snapped back, as Yoongi pulled out the cigarettes I gave him, "Plus you certainly made use of those" I smirked, realising a few had already been used.

"So?" Yoongi placed the stick in his mouth, lit it, and blew into it, causing a cloud of smoke to fill my face.

"Eww!!" I wheezed, dusting the tobacco cloud away.


Yoongi and Levi Ackerman edits. They're both of my husbands. That's all I'm saying. 😭


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