| 16: return to muses |

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Finally, Miran and I had both found somewhere to sit, but not without me placing a bag to sit on first.

For once, I wasn't as scornful as usual sitting on the ground. Maybe it was because I had the dumbass distracting me.

I glanced at Miran as she munched away at her lunch, and noticed how miles away she looked.

"Why are you spacing out so much?" I asked, prodding Miran.

"I miss Muses pub" Miran pouted, causing me to raise my eyebrows at the woman.

"Me too" I mumbled, as Miran turned to me with a surprised expression.

Although the pub was a rundown shithole in the middle of nowhere, it was the only place I felt I could unwind since starting university.

During the first few nights of moving in, I forced myself to explore the area of my accommodation, so I didn't become a recluse because of my OCD.

I just happened to come across the shabby yet intriguing interior of the bar, which I thought was a gang hideout.

I was initially hesitant, but nothing scares me considering all the shit I've been through.

That was until I saw groups of friends coming out of the bar.

So I was like 'fuck it' and went in, and I've been going there ever since.

My stressful days were always healed with my favourite beer at the end of every night, in my peaceful den away from everyone else who pisses me off.

Until Miran came and ruined it.

As I pulled out my favourite cigarettes, I became increasingly irritated by everyone staring at us.

Silly fuckers, they haven't gotten used to Miran and me hanging around?

I'm only doing this for research purposes; after this, she'll never hear from me again.

I placed the stick in my mouth, pulled out my lighter, and flicked it until the soothing burning sensation filled my throat.

"Ah..." I groaned, as I exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Eww" Miran wheezed, as she started fanning her face frantically, "Why are you doing that?"

"Because I can" I scoffed, "Now eat your diner before it gets cold."

"Hmph!!" Miran huffed, "You're not my dad"

I suddenly grabbed a chip from her plate and bit into it.


I continued enjoying my cigarette as Miran kept scolding me about my bad habit.

"No matter what you say Miran, you can't stop me. I'm a grown man, and I'm a lot older than you think" I finished my cig with pride.

"You always say that..." She pouted, crossing her arms at me. "I'm quite sick of doing the same thing every night, even though we're almost finished with our project"

I can't argue with that. I'd do anything to go back to my lovely Muses pub.

"Do you wanna head to Muses tonight?" Miran suddenly asked, causing me to raise my eyebrows at her.

"Sure. What time?"

Miran pursed her lips together, "How about 9:30 pm?"

"Pfft" I gave her a dirty look.


"Are you a baby or something?" I snorted, causing Miran to cross her arms at me.

"Fine... how about 10 pm?"

"Will do" I shrugged, and took another puff of my cigarette.

I held back a snort as Miran coughed violently as she fanned her face.

"You're the worst Yoongi!!"


And here I was outside Muses pub, smoking my favourite cigarettes.

"It's good to be back again" I breathed, the soothing fume coming out of my nostrils.

Although I'd never admit it, These are bloody good cigarettes that Miran had given me.

I don't understand why she has an issue with my smoking.

"Dumbass... you're lucky I can barely tolerate you"

I took another puff of my cigarette, but the sound of trudging footsteps caused me to stop.

"Yoongi~" An irritatingly familiar voice cooed.

"Brat" I mumbled, turning around and locking eye contact with none other than the dumbass herself, Miran.

Her dark locks messily lay on her shoulders as usual, and she wore a black leather jacket with silver studs. Miran wore a checkered turtle neck top, black denim shorts, fishnet tights and black lace-up boots.

I wonder why Miran dressed more 'adult-like' today. Probably because she didn't want me to keep calling her a baby.

"Nice outfit" I grumbled, taking another puff of my stick.

"I'm only doing it so you don't keep babying me" Miran pouted, "...You're smoking again?!"

"Stay in your lane and stop copying me dumbass" I scoffed, kicking the pub's door open, causing some to gawp at us.

"Fucking germs" I scoffed, causing Miran to giggle.

Finally peace at last... minus Miran.

"Joonieee!!" Miran sqeauled as she ran up to Namjoon, as he wiped some clean beer cans.

"Miran!! Yoongi!!" Namjoon glanced up at us as a massive grin spread across his face.

"I've missed you both!!" He giggled, as the pair embraced each other.

"The fuck?!"

Since when did they get so affectionate?! They've barely known each other for a month!

"How's Mr Grumpy shorts been treating you?" Namjoon grinned as I sat down beside Miran.

"The fuck did you just call me?!" I growled, causing Miran to howl from beside me.

"Dumbass" I flicked her forehead, "It's not that funny"


"Missed you bro" Namjoon held his fist out at me, to which I touched with my elbow.

"Aww~" Miran cooed, earning herself a glare.

"Don't push it idiot" I seethed, as her grin grew.

"How's the project going?" Namjoon asked as he tucked a brown strand behind his ear.

"Better than expected! We're almost done!!" Miran chirped.

Namjoon glanced at me with a dimpled smile.

"It's okay. Now can I have my beer?"

"Of course. And you Miran?" Namjoon grinned.

"The same as Yoongi's getting" Miran announced, causing us to gawp at her.


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