| 40: his return |

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I took a deep breath, "The deep subconscious influences our behaviour, whether we realise it or not... it is the part we aren't aware of"

I grit my teeth at the increasing squeals from around the library. Where's the library teacher, for fucks sake?!

I glanced at Miran, as she was buried deep within her notebook and reciting keywords.

How the fuck can Miran stay focused through all this?! Then again, she has studied hard through worse events in her life...

Fucks sake can I just have some peace?! I am willing to learn for once!

And just like that, the entire library became quiet.

Well about fucking time!!

I smiled and resumed reading my notes on the deep subconscious. However, I couldn't shake off an uneasy feeling as the minutes passed.

Why do I feel like something isn't right? No Yoongi, you should be appreciating the silence.

I shook my head and continued reading. That was until I felt multiple pairs of eyes on me.

What the actual fuck?

I slowly looked up, locked eyes with a man, and realised many people were now surrounding our desk.

"Didn't expect to see you here, Min Yoongi" Came a deep voice.

Is this the jackass everyone has been going on about?!

Just as I was about to interrogate the man, I froze as I suddenly realised who he was.

There's no way in hell...

It can't be him...

My eyes widened as I scanned the man's face, and recognised his features.

He had maroon parted hair, a round honey-skinned face, round almond eyes, a defined nose, heart-shaped lips and a large box smile.

K-Kim T-Taehyung!? What the fuck is he doing here?!

There's no way in hell he can be here right now-

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other. Didn't expect to see you here Yoongi" Taehyung chuckled dryly, as he ran a hand through his dark locks, earning a few squeals from around.

So this jackass... this man... was causing all the commotion in this damn university?!

I was completely dumbstruck as my mouth became painfully dry, and I gawped at Taehyung with widened eyes.

Because of him and his father's gang... is why the past 8 years of my life were hell... and I ended up being imprisoned.

I swore on my life never to cross paths with Taehyung again...

But here he is, standing in front of me in the library of Bangtan university ...with everyone wrapped around his finger like just before.

I lowered my head as I felt my blood surge and my breaths became aggressive.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I breathed, clenching my fists together.

"Awh, is that how you greet your old friend?" Taehyung cooed, making me clench my jaw as I imagined the sickeningly sly smirk that was probably etched across his doll face.

Keep it together Yoongi... don't like this fucker get the better of you...

Why... just why out of all places does Taehyung have to be here?!

"Fuck off Taehyung..." I growled, slowly standing up and locking eyes with the man.

"It's been 6 years Yoongi. I expected a better response from you after all this time?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows.

"6 fucking years I'll never get back..." I retorted, followed by Taehyung chuckling and a couple of gasps from others.

The Kim Mafia. One of London's most feared mafia bloodlines, with Taehyung being the heir.

Secret to the public, the Kim Mafia have always ruled the entire underground network of mafia families in the city. Everyone knew not to mess with them, but at the foolish and tender age of 16, I got caught up with them and lost 8 years of my life I'll never get back.

"I'll spare your life this time" Taehyung slyly smiled, "Unlike the last time"

"Will you fucking stop!!" I slammed my fists down on the table. I was sick of this man's taunts.

Taehyung's glistening eyes were merciless as he stared me down.

"Y-Yoongi..." A concerned voice came from beside, "Would you like to go somewhere else?" I felt Miran's hands grip me firmly.

Thank God for being in my life Miran.

"Yes" I barely got out, and we gathered our stuff. I lowered my head as I made my way through the crowd and Miran followed behind.

"I'll see you around! We have so much to catch up on!" Taehyung called as I exited the library.

No the fuck you won't.


What the hell was that about? I've never seen Yoongi so enraged before, it was kinda scary.

Maybe Taehyung has something to do with why Yoongi is the way he is?

I turned to Yoongi and saw he was still fuming. His face was contorted into rage, his eyebrows furrowed, and his dark eyes bore into the ground. Yoongi grit his teeth, and light, aggressive pants escaped him as he clenched his fists.

What kind of past did they share? Because it obviously wasn't normal.

We kept walking until we'd reached the back of the fields of the university.

"Fucking prick, who the fuck does he thinks he is? Bloody asshole!!" Yoongi growled, as he paced in front of me.

"Six fucking years, now he thinks he can swoop into my life? Must be taking the fucking piss"

Concerned stares from people around us didn't seem to bother Yoongi in the slightest. This certainly wasn't normal for Yoongi.

What was at this point?

"Fucking piece of shit!!" I gasped as Yoongi threw off his bags and suddenly threw his fist against the wall.

"Ah!" I shrieked as Yoongi hunched over and bit his lip hard. "Yoongi, what's gotten into you?!"

He kept his eyes shut as he remained faced away from me. I've never seen Yoongi this livid before!

"I'm sorry Miran" Yoongi slowly turned to me, as he hid his fist. "I'm just being hormonal, that's all" He nervously chuckled.

"Bollocks" I grumbled, causing him to raise his eyebrows. "This isn't normal Yoongi. Why are you acting so erratic?"

"Erratic my arse" He scoffed.

"Okay then, so why'd you punch the wall?" I crossed my eyes at my friend.

"You don't miss anything, do you Miran?"

"I didn't endure your bullshit all these months for nothing now did I?" I retorted, causing Yoongi to gasp.


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