| 17: beer challenge |

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"What?! I said I'll get the same as Yoongi!" Miran repeated as she crossed her arms at us

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"What?! I said I'll get the same as Yoongi!" Miran repeated as she crossed her arms at us.

Geez... this girl is really testing me tonight!!

"Suit yourself" I smirked.

"Right back at you" Miran suddenly flicked my forehead.

For some reason, I didn't feel the need to attack her this time. Probably because I was finally reunited with my haven, the Muses pub.

I ignored Miran as a confused expression lay on her face.

"And here's your drinks~" Namjoon grinned as he placed our fresh beer glasses in front of us.


I grabbed my glass and turned to the dumbass. "Bon appetite" I smirked, holding it up to her.

*Clang* And with that, I took a sip of the delicacy, which consumed my senses.

"Mmm~" How refreshing.

I peeked an eye open at a rather grossed-out Miran, causing me to stop drinking.

"You sure you can handle that?" I teased.

"Stop putting me off!! I've drunk alcohol before!!" Miran defended.

"Just saying~" I grinned and chugged down the rest of the glass. "Ah~"

"What the-" Miran gasped as her jaw hung open, "You're so unfair!! You didn't even give me a chance!!"

"I told you, this stuff is for adults. Which you're clearly not"

"Rude" Miran huffed, "Welp, I guess there's nothing I can do!"

I couldn't believe my eyes as the woman suddenly chugged the entire glass.

Miran is something else...

"Ughh..." She groaned, wiping her mouth with her sleeve, "See I did it"

Namjoon's jaw hung open at the woman, causing me to chuckle.

"What? Now I don't need you contradicting-" Miran's words were cut off as a massive burp suddenly escaped her mouth, causing the entire pub to become silent.

I was utterly dumbstruck as Miran's eyes became like saucers and her face reddened, and I could've sworn I saw her shaking.

"The... fuck..?" I barely got out, before a sudden wave of endorphins overcame my senses.

I couldn't hold myself back as giggles escaped my mouth, until I was howling at Miran.

This was the hardest I've laughed in years.

I continued wheezing until tears escaped my eyes, and I kept banging my fists down on the table.

"Oh my..." I squinted as I ignored the pain in my chest. "Oh my goodness..." I whimpered, wiping my tears away.

I tried to regain my composure as giggles kept slipping out of me, and glanced at a still red-faced Miran.

"...You're the worst!!" Miran barked, causing me to snort.

"Well, this was your first time having an entire glass right?" I giggled, glancing at Namjoon who gawped at me in disbelief.

"What?" I grinned at the man.

Namjoon coughed loudly and adjusted his bowtie, "W-well... uhm..."

"Defend me Joon!!" Miran wailed as I continued grinning at her, "Yoongi's freaking me out" she inched away from me.

"You're not exactly Mr Grumpy pants after all" Namjoon chuckled, causing me to frown.

"Don't push it dimple face" I scolded, causing Namjoon to smirk.

"Up for round 2?" I picked up my glass and smiled at Miran.

She had finally regained her composure as she adjusted her jacket, "Hell yeah" She grinned.

Even after all that? Damn...

I watched as Namjoon refilled our glasses, and glanced at Miran worriedly as he served her drink.

I turned to the woman and held my glass at her, "For Muses pub..."

"...For Muses pub!!" She excitedly clanged my glass.


I've never thought Yoongi was capable of showing such emotions. It's a complete contrast to his usual brash and harsh nature.

Even though it was an hour ago, I was still shocked by Yoongi's sudden outburst. But I had to remain composed otherwise he'll interrogate me.

Poor Miran though, that was her first time chugging down an entire glass, and she must have felt so humiliated!!

Miran must really hate Yoongi for laughing so hard at her. But she broke Yoongi's harsh exterior, even if it was for a short amount of time.

And just like that, the night flew by as the pair kept challenging each other to more rounds of beer, Miran pissing Yoongi off intentionally, him calling her dumbass and flicking her forehead without fail.

It took three glasses for Miran to be down, and five glasses for Yoongi to start getting woozy.

"No fair..." Miran slurred as she slumped over the counter, "Your tolerance is high..."

"Well..." Yoongi puffed out his chest proudly, "I'm a man with experience, that's why"

I've always wondered how old Yoongi is. I wonder why he's so secretive about it?

Before long, it was now around 3 am as the last few couples and groups of friends had left the pub.

I watched as Miran and Yoongi were sprawled across the counter, sound asleep.

I've never seen anything like them in my years of working as a bartender.

I couldn't help but smile as little snores escaped Miran's lips.

They looked so cute yet vulnerable- and it was a complete contrast to Yoongi's harsh exterior, now he was asleep.

"Food... I want food..." Miran mumbled, causing me to giggle.

I glanced at Yoongi as his silver bangs covered his face.

They must be exhausted from all the hard work they've been doing for the past few weeks. But Miran and Yoongi deserved all the fun they had tonight.

I had just finished packing away the last few glasses and placed my bag on my shoulder.

Even though I've barely known the pair for long, Miran- the cute, young and ambitious female always put a smile on my face, especially when she pissed Yoongi off.

Yoongi- the inked, foul-mouthed, sharp-minded and silver-haired man, regardless of his nature, always made me feel respected as a bartender, as he always consumed my drinks without complaint.

"Sweet dreams you both" I chuckled, placing a blanket on their backs.

As I came out, I gave the pair one last glance and locked the bar.


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