| 30: stress |

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"It's so lovely and clean!!" I gushed

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"It's so lovely and clean!!" I gushed.

A small smile spread across his features, "It's one of the many perks of having OCD" Yoongi ruffled my hair causing me to giggle.

"You're the cleanest person I've ever met, aside from my dad" I grinned. "Have you invited anyone else here since you moved in?"

"Fuck no" He began, "The only others who have been in here are the maintenance people, and they seem to know shit about taking off their shoes in here. I've lost count of how many times I've complained about them, leaving bloody footprints on my floor. It's so damn hard to get those stains out" Yoongi groaned frustratedly.

I pouted at the man, "Somethings we can't avoid. You're doing a great job with cleaning though. Keep it up" I reassured, causing Yoongi to smile.


And just like that, exam season had unfortunately rolled in.

However, I was always a pro when studying, so I had nothing to worry about!!

I was getting frustrated hearing my classmates' constant complaints; however, Yoongi seemed quite nonchalant about the whole thing.

A horrendous banging on my door suddenly waked me up.

"The heck!!" I wailed, covering my ears, "It's too early for this..."

"Get your ass out of bed Miran, otherwise you're gonna be late for the lecture!!" A familiar voice wailed.

What is he doing here? It's so damn early!!

"Go away Yoongi!! Just go back to bed!!" I cried, throwing my pillow at the door and hiding under my bedsheets.

"Dumbass!! There's 15 minutes before your lectures start, do you seriously not care?!"

"Fifteen minutes..." I grumbled, snuggling up in my blanket cavern, "Fifteen minutes..."

I giggled at Yoongi's continuous banging until it finally dawned on me.

"Fifteen minutes?! Shoooooooot!!!" I screamed, throwing off my bedsheets and jumping out of bed.

My jaw dropped as I glanced at the clock, only to realise it was 9:45 am. "Holy macaroni!! I'm gonna be late!!" I wailed, grabbing my clothes and bolting to my ensuite.

"About time you realised!!" Yoongi chuckled from outside.



Greeting Miran every day had now become the norm in my life.

I was glad that Miran respected my boundaries in my bedroom, but it was such a shame her room was such a nest.

But I'm not her father, so why the fuck would I care?

Unfortunately, exam season had rolled in, so our classmates had become whiny little brats about it.

I hated exams, not just because I never gave two fucks about it, but because I could never wrap my head around their shitty concepts.

For some reason, even though exams were Miran's speciality, the brat had somehow slacked behind in punctuality.

Although I knew of Miran's perfectionist past, it seemed she had relapsed again and I've had to intervene in the past week.

This morning, I was expecting to meet Miran at our usual spot, outside the library. But she never came, and I took it into my own hands to wake the dumbass myself.

Regardless of the unnecessary attention I'd received from Miran's dormmates, I didn't give any fucks about it.

There was no way I'd be alone in that lecture hall, alongside all those dimwits.

"Fuck's sake..." I exhaled a puff of smoke as I finished my seventh cigarette.

It hadn't even gone past noon and I had almost gone through my first pack. With the amount of bull Mr Bang was spewing this morning about our upcoming exams, I really and truly needed my platinum cigs.

I probably reeked like tobacco right now, I honestly couldn't have cared less.

"Yoongi~" A familiar voice tuned.

"Miran" I deadpanned, as she suddenly jumped in front of me, "You don't scare me anymore"

"Awh" She pouted, "I'm gonna find another way, just you watch!!" Miran protested, causing me to chuckle.

Miran suddenly screwed her face up at me, "Have you been smoking again?"

I quickly hid my cigarette butt behind me and began whistling. "No, I'm just getting some fresh air!" I lied, looking away.

I turned back to a rather displeased Miran as she crossed her arms at me. "Yoongi--!!"

"Look, I don't have time for your lectures right now Miran. I still can't get over how you scolded me back at the festival. Certainly didn't know you had that in you" I chuckled, walking away.

"Hey!!" Miran mumbled.



Exams were next week, and I was finally starting to feel the stress of my classmates.

However, I had nothing to worry about since I'd already prepared.

But I was really worried about Yoongi... because even though he never complained about the exams, I've noticed how irritable he'd become these past few weeks.

And not just that, he reeked of tobacco.

Like today for instance.

Minutes before our lecture had begun, Yoongi came into the hall and everyone started mumbling around, and screwing up their faces.

It wasn't long before I realised why, and an awful tobacco smell lingered in the air.

It made no sense since Yoongi was right at the front of the hall, but he reeked of tobacco so bad Mr bang had to tell Yoongi to leave.

After weeks of Yoongi's nagging, I had finally calmed down on the revision and was now having earlier nights.

I was happy we had gone back to meeting up before our lectures, but Yoongi kept excusing himself every so often, that it was starting to become obvious.

During our meetups around campus, during our lectures, during our library time and at muses pub.

I knew it wasn't just because Yoongi needed fresh air, but it was something deeper.

Being a good friend, I was dying to get to the bottom of this and help Yoongi.

Regardless of the consequences.

"Yoongi? Are you home? I need some cleaning products" I banged on his door.

Faint footsteps approached the door, followed by Yoongi's door unlocking.

"Miran? Why didn't you ask sooner?" He looked rather surprised.


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