| 22: poor choices, poor consequences |

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Hoseok glanced down at his sweaty palms and started playing with his fingers.

"...Have you got something to say Hoseok?" I asked sternly, becoming irritated by his actions.

He sighed loudly and continued, "I-I know it's none of my business since I barely know you... s-so I've been wondering-"

"Cut the shit"

"Why do you hate people so much?"

I pinched my nose bridge, "...I've lost count at how many times I've been asked that now" I removed my hands and turned to Hoseok's startled form, "No need to shit yourself. I'm not going to kill you man..."

The man sighed in relief as I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"I've had a brutal past. I won't go into detail but I've faced a lot of people who've robbed me of almost everything, like my identity and possibly my life" I began.

"...Even though it was years ago, I was in a dark place... and everyone was against me. Heck, the only thing that kept me going was my family." I paused and glanced down at my hands.

"I hate people because my trust has been abused in many ways. The thought of ever trusting another person sickens me to the core. People just fucking... sicken me."

Despondency filled Hoseok's eyes as they refused to leave mine.

"Everyone around university fucking pisses me off. When I was finally able to attend, I thought hard over how the fuck I'd survive it, because of the amount of people here. Their smiley faces and loud selves, those assholes always took life for granted. Nobody would ever realise how lucky they are to not have to put their lives on the line to survive." I clenched eyes shut, as my breaths became harsh.

Got to stay calm Yoongi... this is the most emotional I've gotten around anyone in years. Heck... I've even hidden this side from my family as well...

A painful silence followed as I tried to regain my composure. I hate showing this side to anyone, because it makes me look weak.

I've dealt with enough shit in my life, I can't be cracking up now...

"Yoongi..." Hoseok breathed, as he placed his hand on my shoulder,

"I may not understand what you've been through, but I think you should be proud of how far you've come. I get you've had a shit life, but you survived and that's the main thing. You may never get back the things you've lost Yoongi, but it doesn't mean you're being stopped from getting the most out of your future. Choosing to come to university was the best choice you've made. I get there's a lot of dimwits here, but at least you have a more... solid mindset compared to them, which will get you far. Even if no one has ever told you this Yoongi, congratulations for coming this far" Hoseok grinned, stroking my shoulder.

For some reason, I didn't flinch although he was touching me. A strange, warm, swelling feeling had surfaced inside me, which I couldn't explain.

I found myself mute as I tried to decipher this feeling, and I slowly, but hesitantly glanced up at Hoseok.

What's... wrong with me..?

I tried to control my unstable breaths, and ignore my heart as it pounded in my ears.

"T-thanks man..." I stuttered.

"No problem. Even if you protest, I will always be here for you Yoongi. A friend of Miran's is a friend of mine" Hoseok chuckled.

I was completely dumbstruck and I hated it. Those in my past, who said they 'cared', never truly gave a fuck about me. They were the reason I suffered so badly in their hands, and ultimately ended up in prison.

"Yoongi..?" Hoseok asked softly, his concerned almond eyes gazing into mine.

"I'm good Hoseok" I breathed, forcing a small smile.

He continued, "On a positive note, I see you've bonded with Miran well."

"Bonded..? Well, I wouldn't call it that. Wasn't it your idea for Miran to come to Muses first?" I crossed my arms at the man.

"Well...hehe" Hoseok giggled nervously, scratching his head, "Miran needed a social life. Otherwise, she'd be shacked up in her room all the time. Since Miran's real mum left her, it took a toll on her and her family. Her dad had a mental breakdown, and Miran became quite reclusive and she always wanted to make him happy after that. She'd study for long hours every day without any breaks, which went on for almost a year. Miran was always late for school because of her late nights and was always so tired in lessons. This went on until the teachers decided to put her in counselling for a few years"

I was completely dumbstruck as I listened to the man,

"Finally Miran has recovered from that lifestyle, because it took a toll on her during exam season, mentally... and physically. I'm grateful we attend the same university so I can always watch out for her." Hoseok concluded.

I glanced down at my calloused hands as I thought about his words.

"There's nothing to worry about anymore Yoongi. Miran recieved the help she needed and is in a happy place now" Hoseok gave me a hearty smile.

Miran isn't as dense as I thought... and she's been in some deep shit in her time. She hides it well though.

"Miran tells how much she enjoys having you as her friend, and how much you kept her company while I was working in the hospital" Hoseok beamed.

"Freind? But I've barely known-"

"Now you cut the shit Yoongi" He grinned at me evilly.

"You gave my girl company while I was gone and kept her happy, so I didn't have anything to worry about. That's all I could ever ask for, and I couldn't thank you enough Min Yoongi."

Miran is unlike anyone I've met. She is... special.

"I'm Miran's friend eh..?" I exhaled loudly as I stared up at the night sky, and a small smile spread across my face.


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