| 35: commotion |

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I pursed my lips together as I contemplated on asking to sit next to Yoongi or not.

Although we are good friends, I don't want to violate Yoongi's boundaries any more than I've already had.

I tried to ignore the eyes on me as I continued staring down at him.

Yoongi suddenly took out his headphones and turned to me. "What's up Miran?" He asked, staring up at me with curious eyes.

"Er... my usual spot's taken, and I'm trying to find somewhere to sit" I nervously chuckled.

"Do you wanna sit next to me?" Yoongi asked, causing me and others around us to gasp.

"What?! I mean yeah... uhm sure!!" I quickly sat down and ignored the growing eyes on me.

Wow... that went a lot easier than I imagined.

I stared at my friend as he took out his notebooks and smiled. Damn he's really changed...

I heard scurrying behind and turned to a rather exasperated Hoseok as he came down the steps.

"Hoseok!!" I whispered shouted, and he turned to me and beamed.

"Miran~" My best friend cooed, as others gazed at the man in admiration.

Hoseok has earned himself a good reputation amongst others in this university, which comes as no surprise since he's always been popular amongst his peers growing up.

A complete contrast to Yoongi, and what certainly baffled him to say the least.

I used to be worried about losing him because of my insecurities, but Hoseok has promised to never leave me and let his popularity get to his head.

And he certainly stuck with his word all these years.

"Ooh!!" Hoseok sqeauled as he glanced between Yoongi and me, "You go girl~"

"Oh Hoseok!!" I chuckled as he just about balanced his books in his arms.

"You better watch you don't trip" Yoongi scoffed at the man.

"Oh my sugar baby, I'll be fine~" Hoseok giggled.

"The fuck did you just call me?" Yoongi growled.

I was in fits of laughter as I glanced between the pair. Although Yoongi was constantly irritated by Hoseok's upbeat and vibrant nature, he truly appreciated the man deep down.

"Ugh... and I thought I could get some peace at the front" Yoongi pouted.

Hoseok chuckled, "Not while I'm around hon-"

"Hoseok watch out!!" I gasped as he suddenly fell forward and his books went flying.

I gasped as my friend collided with the floor and landed on his butt. "Omph!!"

"Told you so" Yoongi scoffed as he glared at the man.

Before I even had the chance to stand up, many of my classmates bolted toward Hoseok and helped him up, as they showered him with concern.

"I'm alright guys. I'm just a bit of a klutz that's all" Hoseok giggled as one of my classmates handed Hoseok back his books.

"More like a dimwit" Yoongi scoffed, causing me to slap his arm.


I've finally arrived at the notorious Bangtan University, which I've heard so much about...

I glanced up at the grand entrance of the university, as its grand gates towered above me.

"Glad to be back in London" I grinned, pride filling me.

Nothing's going to hold me back anymore. It's been years since I was caught out, and I had to flee the country for my safety. I haven't allowed myself to get into trouble since.

Now I think about it, I wonder how he's doing...

How long has it been since we crossed paths..?

I think about 6 years now.

I remember the day we were first introduced to each other. Oh how time flew by past... until we were all exposed and it was all your fault.

None of that would've happened without his stupid mistake, which got us all caught out.

I wonder how far you've come...

But it's not likely you'll have, ever since you were imprisoned...

...Min Yoongi.

"Sir, would you like me to take your luggage to your dorm room now? I've just been notified it's ready for you to move in now"

I turned to my butler Jooheon, and a smile spread across my face.

"Of course" I chuckled, "What are we waiting for?"




"OMG he's so hott!!"

"He should be studying in Oxford, Cambridge or Havard University and not this dump!!" A guy wailed.

When will everyone shut the fuck up?!

"Ugh... I haven't even had the chance to talk to the new boy"

"Girl... you're missing out!!"

I clenched my fists, "This is a library for fucks sake. Aren't they afraid of being kicked out?"

Miran chuckled, "Oh Yoongi, you should be happy the attention has diverted from you"

"Pfft" I guess she's right.

Ever since the new guy, I don't know who he was- not that I gave any fucks- had been the latest topic of discussion for the past few weeks.

"Plus you can now have the long-awaited peace you've deserved" Miran pinched my cheek.

"Let's hope he can handle the newfound fame though" I dryly chuckled as I flipped through my psychology notes.

A peaceful silence followed as Miran and I continued studying for our upcoming psychology exam.

That was until the library's doors opened, causing multiple gasps to fill the room.

"Omg he's here! It's actually him!!"


"Omg, I haven't even put my makeup on properly!!" A girl cried.

Seriously? All that hype over one person?!

I rolled my eyes for the thousandth time today.

I turned to Miran as she tried to see past the crowd that had now formed at the library's entrance.

"Oi Miran. You out of all people should be focusing more on your studying than some jackass" I pinched her cheek.

"Ow!! I'm just curious!" Miran giggled, causing me to flick her forehead.

I shook my head and plugged my headphones back in.


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