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"Gurl... so you're telling me, thee Min Yoongi, Mr grumpy pants, aka silver dragon, beat up that criminal and saved your life?!" Hoseok screeched.

"I still can't believe it!! Yoongi probably hates me now and wants nothing to do with me again! But I'm so gonna pay him back" I gushed.

I pursed my lips together as I fell back against the hospital bed. "I don't remember what happened after I blacked out" I mumbled, staring up at the white ceiling.

"Yoongi brought you here" Hoseok mumbled, as he tucked his raven lock behind his ear, "I was discussing some patients' details with my colleague when I saw him come into this ward with the paramedics."

I was utterly shocked as Hoseok continued explaining.

"I didn't see him after that. But Yoongi left your stuff here for you" Hoseok smiled, ruffling my matted locks.

"Wow..." I was speechless. I wonder why Yoongi didn't stay? Probably because of his OCD...

"And about your wound..." Hoseok began, causing me to look up at him, "Considering the state it was in when you just came in, we've stitched it up and it's healed pretty well! I suggest you take it easy from now on Miran"



I wonder how that dumbass is doing? Miran will probably be in the hospital for the next few days... so that means the long-awaited peace I deserve.

Although rarely anything shocks me anymore, I was pretty stunned at how Miran allowed herself to get into trouble like that.

If I hadn't come any earlier, she wouldn't have been so lucky...

I glanced up at my computer screen and aggressively tapped my keyboard, as my screen was still frozen.

"Stupid piece of shit" I tossed my mouse aside angrily.

Upon feeling some eyes on me, I turned to my side and saw some idiots gawping at me.

"The fuck are you all looking at?!" I seethed, causing the jerks to look away.

Is my screen still frozen? Damn...

I contemplated breaking my keyboard or walking out of the library.

But considering how this was a public space, getting out of there would probably be the best choice before I ended up punching a hole through my computer screen.

I grabbed my bag and approached the psychology shelf while ignoring the curious yet frightened eyes of others on me.

Jackasses. I never understood why I was always the centre of attention in this damn university.

I scanned my eyes across the entire shelf of books until I was rudely interrupted by someone calling me.

"Yoongi!!!" Came a voice, as I felt a sudden weight push down my shoulders.

"What the fuck?!" I wailed, immediately slamming my hand over my mouth. I gasped as the library teacher angrily shooshed me from the front desk.

I whipped my body around, ready to cuss the hell out of whoever was trying to get me banned from this library.

"Why did you do that?!" I whisper-shouted, "This is a damn library for fucks sake-"

My eyes widened as I locked eyes with none other than Miran. I felt my blood boil as a stupidly large grin lay across her face.

I guess I spoke too soon... again!!

"Miran?! What are you doing here?!"

"Thanks for saving my life last night!!" Miran chirped, causing me to roll my eyes.

It's like she was never even stabbed!!

I pursed my lips as the woman excitedly hopped. "Don't even. How's the wound?"

"Good. The nurses were quite surprised at how fast my wound healed though. I feel better than ever!!"

I was utterly baffled. This girl has once again left me speechless.

"Why are you so cheery? It's 8 am for fucks sake"

"Because~ I saw my bestie!!" She giggled.

"Hoseok eh? Good. Now, you're talking to the wrong person if you need anything else. Goodbye Miran" I turned and proceeded toward the exit.

"Wait Yoongi!!" Miran wailed, causing me to glare at her, "Thank you for leaving my items with me. Did you come in the ambulance van with me?"

"Tch" I scoffed, "Do you think I wanted to be blamed for your death? It's not like I had a choice"

"Awh Yoongi" Miran giggled, "Thank you for caring for me. All thanks to you I'm still alive. It must have been hard coming into the hospital, considering how much you despise germs"

"Pfft" I rolled my eyes, "Doesn't matter. It was either leaving you to die and have your blood on my hands for the rest of my life"

I was somewhat freaked out as Miran continued smiling at me. She's insane...

I glanced down at Miran's side and glanced back at her brown eyes.

Although I can't stand Miran, I feel a bit good that I saved someone's life.

"Err...Yoongi?" Miran suddenly asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I didn't know you were one for eye contact" She squirmed.

"Shut up" I sheepishly glanced away, "Did you change your clothes?"

"Is that all you can ask me?" Miran playfully pouted, "And for your information, I did have a shower and changed my clothes when I arrived back at my dorm"

"Good" I smiled and turned around. Fewer germs go the whole way. "Try not to get yourself killed next time" I chuckled as I made my way out of the library.

"Heyy!!" I gasped as Miran suddenly jumped in front of me, blocking my path.

"What now dumbass?!" I grumbled, becoming increasingly irritated by her antics.

"Awh... back with the nicknames now I'm better?" Miran pouted.

"Are you gonna get out my way or not?"

"Just a sec" The woman smiled as she suddenly dug into her bag. "Here's my gratitude for saving my life. I know these are bad for your health, but the least I can do is repay you with something you like"

I glanced down at the premium pack of cigarettes in Miran's hand.


Squid games vs Alice in borderland. Which one do you prefer? 🏃🏾‍♂️

I prefer Alice in Borderland 😝. I totally recommend it.

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