| 7: trouble |

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"Phew... another successful night without the silver dragon killing me" I chuckled as the nightly breeze tickled me.

I didn't realise how coming out of my comfort zone could be so awesome!

"Better head back now. It's way past my bedtime!" I mumbled, as I continued down the dark streets of London.

I really shouldn't have stayed out this late. The only thing on my mind was getting back to my cosy dorm room and snuggling up into my warm bedsheets.

Thank goodness my dorm was a 15-minute walk from the muses pub.

"I should've brought another jacket!!" I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself.

I would've stayed longer if I had no lectures tomorrow, but even so, I value my sleep!

With the amount of smoking, drinking and late nights Yoongi has, I wonder how he even survives his lectures!

I quickly whipped my head around as the sound of crushed litter filled my ears.

"Eh... probably just the wind" I mumbled as I continued walking down the dark road.

A sudden loud crunch echoed from behind.

I whipped my head around again and gasped, realising a hooded figure was some distance behind me.

I quickly turned back as the person slowly raised their head.

Surely it must be a coincidence that this person happens to be going in the same direction as me at this time of night?


I took a deep breath and slightly turned my head... and I realised the hooded figure was still following me.

Shoot... shoot...

I gulped nervously and increased my pace as I crossed the familiar bridge that led to my accommodation.

I shouldn't have stayed out so late!

I continued increasing my pace until I became out of breath. S-surely... I'm still not being followed?!

I clenched my eyes shut and slowly turned around, and I almost let out a shriek as I realised the hooded figure was close behind me now.

"Ah--!!" I stifled my squeal.

And just like that, adrenaline surged through my veins as I sprinted through the streets.

My heart soared as pounding footsteps followed me, and gruff pants escaped the person's mouth.

Shoot shoot shoot!! I don't want to die now!! I'm too young to die!! I've only just begun university!!

Silly Miran, I should've just stayed in the club with the silver dragon and Joonie the cutie!! Being cussed by Yoongi is far better than being chased by a possible murderer!!

I let out a muffled scream as my mouth was suddenly covered and I was dragged into a dark alleyway.


"Shut the fuck up you bitch!!" A female voice growled as I resisted her death-like grip.

L-let go of me!!

I felt the air squeeze out of my lungs as the criminal tightened her grip around me, as hopeless whimpers escaped my mouth.

"Shut your fucking mouth otherwise you're dead!!" Before I could respond, I felt a sudden sharpness dig at my side.

What the--

My heart sank as I realised a long blade was pressed against my side. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realised I was trapped.

"Any more noise from you and you're dead meat" The woman seethed.


"Ahhh~" I groaned, placing my second and final glass of beer down. That was so damn refreshing...

"It was a lovely night wasn't it Yoongi? The three of us are great together don't you think?" Namjoon chuckled as he packed away some beer glasses.

"Do you think I enjoy Miran's company?" I scoffed watching the brunette, "Ever since I crossed paths with that dumbass, she's bought me nothing but trouble. Crossing my boundaries, touching me, heck even not backing off after the many times I've cussed her. She's worse than the others!!"

"Awh Yoongi..." Namjoon grinned as he turned to me, "If you hated Miran that much, surely you would've made her cry already?"

"Tch..." I scoffed. You're such an asshole Namjoon.

I took another swig of my glass and frowned as I realised it was empty.

Miran is the most annoying, irritating, and reckless girl I've ever met. She pisses me off so damn much!!

Miran's going to drive me to insanity!!

I glanced around at the dimly lit pub as others chatted.

I wonder who, or what keeps drawing Miran back here? This shithole isn't for a bookworm like her.

"Yo Joon, what's the time?" I mumbled.

"A few minutes past 12?"

Well fuck... maybe it's a bit late now. Better head back since my lecture starts in less than 8 hours. Plus I need to wash the shit off my skin from today.

"I'm off" I grumbled, getting up and throwing my bag around me.

"See you Yoongi!!" Namjoon waved as I came out of the pub.

I couldn't help but smile as the cool nightly breeze hit me, and the moon's rays shone down on me.

I truly loved the night. It always made me happy, and it was always something I looked forward to after the shitty and endless days of my past.

Even after countless hours of painful labour and scrounging, surviving on what I could to provide for my family, the nighttime always seemed to ease my pain and worries.

The years of psychological scarring and wounds I gained from taking from others to live, for my family to keep going, all just seemed to fade away every time I looked up at the night sky.

The moon was my guidance, and the stars kept me going.


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