| 9: near miss |

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I didn't care that my life was at stake. There was no way in hell I was ready to die today.

"Stop resisting you stupid bitch!!" The criminal wailed as I continued fighting against her grasp.

Damn this woman was strong, but why was she targeting me?!

"You're asking for a death wish!!" She seethed, causing me to scream into her hands as she covered my mouth.

"Mmmmm!!!" I screamed, resisting her grasp even more. I clenched my eyes shut as I felt the tip of her blade pierce my skin.

"You'll regret it!!" The woman bellowed as the blade deepened, causing me to whimper.

I don't know how long I resisted her, but as the stinging sensation deepened, I felt the urge to fight back more.

"Who's there?!" The criminal yelled, as her grip tightened on me.

I slowly raised my head and could barely make out a figure in the distance, in the dark alleyway.

Someone.... please... help me!!

Faint footsteps approached us until I was violently shaken upright. I became weaker as my wound's pain spread around my body.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" The woman screamed, "Get away from here before I kill you both!!"

And finally, I could make out the person as they faced us with a stunned expression.


"Mmmmm!!" I screamed, followed by the blade digging into me further. "Ahhmm!!"

I clenched my eyes shut as the pain spread around my body, causing me to almost blackout.

Make it stop!! I can't survive this anymore!!

"The real question is..." Yoongi began as he glanced between us, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Do I look like I'm playing huh?! You will be dead tonight before you can even say your name!!"

"You're certainly a staller aren't you?" Yoongi chuckled dryly as he glanced at his nails.

Y-Yoongi?! What are you doing?!

"The fuck did you just say?!"

I suddenly slipped out of the woman's grasp and watched as she lunged at Yoongi.

"Yoon..gi..." I whimpered weakly, as my body slid down the wall.

I felt my eyes drooping as I watched the pair wrestle with each other, which felt like forever.

"You bastard!! Let go!!" The criminal wailed as Yoongi grabbed her hands and the life landed in front of me.

"Seems like tonight isn't your lucky night huh?" Yoongi grunted as he put the woman into a headlock, "You just got fucked!"

"Asshole!!" The woman spat, causing Yoongi to grimace as her saliva dripped down his face.

It was as if an actual silver dragon was summoned from within, as Yoongi's eyes flashed with rage. He delivered an all-time uppercut to the woman, causing her to fall completely unconscious to the ground.

"Hah...ah..." Yoongi panted as he aggressively wiped the saliva off his face.

Thank you Yoongi...

"Fucking bitch... now I'm going to have to bleach my face..." He grumbled.

I watched as Yoongi regained his composure as his eyes landed on me. "Are you gonna get up or what? You're free now"

Yoongi... you saved my life. You're not as heartless as I thought...

"Thank you so much...thank you-" I weakly mumbled as he approached me.

"Cut the crap" Yoongi barked as he towered above me, "Are you alright?"

I weakly smiled up at the man as I could've sworn concern crossed his eyes.

Upon realising he was holding a carrier bag, I could barely make out a psychology book with my name scribbled across it.

"Hey...is that my-" I couldn't even finish my sentence, as my eyes shut and I fell into a deep slumber.


Ugh... what... who...

I slowly stirred in my sleep, and my eyes opened to a white ceiling. Ugh... where am I?

My entire body was aching, and I could hear faint beeping sounds in the distance. What's going on..?

And then it all clicked.

"Whaaaat?!" I gasped, shooting up in my bed. I quickly glanced around at my surroundings, only to realise I was in a hospital ward.

Oh no...

Upon feeling a tight sensation around my mouth, I glanced down and realised I was wearing an oxygen mask.

My wound... my wound!! What happened to it?!

My heart rate surged as I ripped off my bedsheets and felt the area underneath my gown. I slowly raised my gown and saw stitches over my rather small, but very painful wound.

"Thank goodness..." I sighed, falling back in bed, "I survived"

I didn't know why, but a sudden wave of giddiness consumed me.

I didn't know whether it was because I was intoxicated with drugs, or I couldn't believe the silver dragon Yoongi, saved my life last night!

"Oh Yoongi" I giggled, thinking of the possible ways to repay the man.

Although I know he probably wants nothing to do with me again, considering how much trouble I've brought him.

"Tee-hee" I giggled, turning onto my side, "Maybe a packet of cigarettes would do- oh!!"

My eyes widened as I realised my psychology book and keychain were on my bedside table.

"MIRAN!!! YOU'RE AWAKE!!" A voice sqeauled, causing me to turn to it.

I glanced at the frantic nurse rather confusedly as they ran into my room, until I realised who it was.


His raven hairs flapped against his distraught face, as he ran towards me. Regardless of the many times I've seen Hoseok in his uniform, I could never get over how awesome he looked.

"You're alive!!" Hoseok cried, as he cupped my cheeks and scanned my face. "I thought I was going to lose you"

"H-Hoseok" I mumbled as tears formed in his soft, brown eyes, "I-I'm fine now"

"My baby..." He cooed, pulling me into his warm embrace, "Come here"

Upon feeling my best friend's warmth capture me whole, I couldn't help but sob into his warm and secure embrace.

"H-Hoseok" I sobbed, "I thought I was going to die!!"


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