Tuck x Coral | Creature Power in Puplantis

Start from the beginning

Coral: Ryder, there's trouble in Puplantis!

Ryder: (concerned) What happened?

Coral: Let's just say somebody was dumping old fishing nets above Puplantis and those nets are trapping Mer-Pups! (embarrassed) Including me!

Ryder: Don't worry Coral, we're on our way but we kinda have a problem.

Coral: (concerned) Something wrong?

Ryder: Well most of the pups are sick so Katie and Marshall are taking care of them so only Zuma and I are available!

Ella: Don't forget about us Ryder!

Tuck: Yeah, don't forget us!

Ryder: (chuckles) Oh Tuck and Ella are here too!

Coral: (blushing) So Ryder who's the cute pup next to Zuma?

Tuck: (blushing) Me?

Coral: (giggles) Yep!

Zuma: (remembers) Ryder, I just realized Ella and Tuck don't have any gear for Aqua Pups missions!

Ryder: Oh yeah!

Ella: Oh yeah, we normally help as the Mighty Twins!

Tuck: (nods) Yep!

Moby's voice: Coral are you friends coming to get us out yet?

Coral: (to Moby) I called them, they'll come to help soon as they can!

Ella: (sighs) I wish we could help!

Mason: I could assist with that! (reveals two custom Aqua Pups gear just for Ella and Tuck)

Ella, Tuck, and Zuma: (surprised) Whoa!

Ryder: (surprised) Mason, where'd you get these?

Mason: My elemental brawler buddies along with these! (whistles before a pair of sailfish based vehicles emerge from the water)

Ella and Tuck: (surprised) Whoa!

Mason: The elemental brawlers and I based your rides and suits on sailfish, what's considered the fastest fish in the ocean!

(Ella and Tuck put on their new gear and check out their sailfish rides)

Ella: (impressed) So cool!

Tuck: (impressed) Yeah!

Mason: (chuckles) Glad you two like them! (remembers) Oh yeah, there's a button for swordfish mode!

Tuck and Ella: (confused) Swordfish mode? (press the button causing their vehicles to combine and change slightly to resemble a swordfish) (both sailfish bills retract into the combined vehicle before a single swordfish bill emerges in their place)

Zuma: Whoa, dude that was impressive!

Mason: (chuckles) The elemental brawlers and I have big imaginations!

Ella: Thank you a whole lot, Mason and you elemental brawler buddies too!

Tuck: Yeah, thank all of you!

Mason: (chuckles) They already know how thankful you pups are! Okay, guys back to business!

Ryder: (nods) Mason's right the Mer-Pups need our help, pups to the Paw Patroller!

Mason: I'm coming, along to help!

(Ella and Tuck watch in amazement as the Paw Patroller transforms into the Whale Patroller while Mason loaded their rides)

Ella and Tuck: So cool!

Ryder: (chuckles) Thanks you two! What do you think, Mason?

Mason: It's a unique piece of work, but the old one has sentimentality!

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