(46) Without you - The kid LAROI

Start from the beginning

"Ani?" Satoru eyes turn to Kyojuro, whom stood up emotionlessly and stood rooted on his ground.

Kyojuro didn't even answer one word, nor even face Georgia, whom was struggling as Maze tried to support or push the baby out.

"Grgh!" Georgia screamed in pain but Satoru just couldn't take his eyes off Kyojuro.

"Satoru, Georgia." Trigon looked over at the two stun people, "It was very nice to meet you." Trigon smirk.

Satoru couldn't care less what was happening. He just kept his eyes fixed on the emotionless Kyojuro. 

Suddenly, Trigon started growing larger and larger. The sound of horse's hoof hit the wooden floor. The three eyes followed the thick leathery skin of the creature. Trigon skin turn red as two large bull horns came out of his skull.

Trigon's full form.

He looked Satanic.

The demon and Hana walked out of the house, not sparing a glance at the three.

"Satoru!" Maze exclaim, glaring at him, "Georgia's giving birth now! I'll teleport her to the hospital. Deal with Kyojuro first."

"Yeah." Satoru nodded slowly, looking over at Georgia, "Georgia, you're going to be fine."

Satoru place a hand on Georgia as she looked at him, "Help K-Kyo... Don't worry about me-Grgh!"

"Go now!" Satoru shouted at Maze as Maze teleport she and Georgia out of the room.

Satoru's eyes were fixed on Kyojuro as he walked up to him, facing his black eyes.

"Ani..." Satoru's voice was shaky and hoarse. What was he suppose to do now? His big brother, the one he always rely on, the one he always go to for help, now was not moving one bit.

This was hell right now.

"Ani, please wake up-I don't know what to do right now..." Satoru gulp, looking over at Kyojuro, "Please snap out of wherever you are. Please...."

Satoru almost looked like he was begging.

"P-Please don't leave me...That's the last thing I want in the world...I know that I haven't be grateful to you but now I need you the most."

A tear fell down Satoru's eyes, "G-Georgia's giving birth right now, don't you want to see your little brother?" Nothing was happening, "Wake up, Ani. Please."


"Wake up, I need you most right now. Not to save the world but be there for me."


"You said you'll do anything for me right? You killed for me, you'll do anything to make me safe and happy and right now I want you to wake up.."


"Wake up!" Satoru screamed at the top of his lungs. He felt like blood was going to come out of his throat right now.

"Wake up..." Satoru sniffled and quieted his broken sobs, "You said you'll be there for me...Where are you now, then?"

Thee was a sight flinch in Kyojuro's eyes, almost as if like he was struggling to get out of the darkness. 

"A-Ani..." Satoru started speaking, "Remember what you told me? Heaven doesn't exist. I lived that sentence. That was the reason how I even kill. But if heaven doesn't exist, you wouldn't come to my life.."

Satoru place both hands on Kyojuro's shoulder, "I remember once when we were younger you told me that all there is around us is loss, betrayal, and decay. Nothing last. Everyone I love will leave me in the end since everyone is doom to die in the end..."

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