The Absolute Sword's Resolve (The end of The Mother Rosario Arc)

Start from the beginning

Yuuki: Asuna?

Asuna: He's right, if it wasn't him it'd would have been me.

Yuuki: *tearing up and blushing a little* Asuna, (y/n).

Asuna: *reaches out to touch Yuuki but then hugs her, crying*

(y/n): *walks over and hugs Yuuki as well*

Yuuki: My sis use to hug me like this. You both smell like her, like the sun.

Asuna: Did Aiko play VR MMO's with you too?

Yuuki: Yep. In fact she was the first leader of The Sleeping Knights ever had and if you thought I was strong man you should have seen her, she'd given you a good run for your money (y/n).

(y/n): *chuckles* I'd love to see it.

Asuna: *rubbing Yuuki's hair*

Yuuki: We met Siune and the others guys in this virtual hospice called The Serine Garden. Back then there were 9 of us but my sis, Clovis, and Meridena well there all gone.

Asuna: *breaks the hug but is still holding Yuuki*

Yuuki: Anyway if you want to know why here disbanding, it's cause we promised each other that if we loss someone, we'd end it. I'm sorry Asuna, (y/n), that's why I couldn't tell you.

(y/n): Did anyone else get told that they only have month to live?

Yuuki: Yes, 2 of us. They gave us 3 months.

Asuna: *gasps and then thinking*

(y/n): *brings Yuuki into a hug and pet's her head while tearing up*

Yuuki: You see, that's why we were all so fired up on having one last big adventure together in this world, we wanted to leave some kind of proof we were here on that big old monument where everyone can see it. One last run that was so cool we could brag about it to my sis and the others but nothing was going right for so we decided that best way to get there was to get someone tough enough to help but we just caused you both trouble and we hurt both of your feeling's too, I'm sorry, we all are. Forget about us, it's probably for the best anyway.

(y/n): *still hugging Yuuki* You have nothing to apologize for Yuuki, nothing. *blinking away tears* And don't you dare think so little about yourself that you think it would be better to forget you but that's a lie, you've been a joy to be around and we would never forget you, not in a million years.

Asuna: *hugs Yuuki while blinking away tears* He's right, I'm happy I got to meet you, all of you, and I'm glad I got to be apart of your last quest. Even after everything, I still wish I could join the Knights.

(y/n): Me too.

Yuuki: *blinking away tears (same as me)* Me too, I wish you could too but I'm happy I came here and got to meet ya both. *crying* You saying that makes it worth it, more than worth it. That's enough for me, I'm good.

Asuna: But' isn't there anything else you want to do? *breaks the hug along with (y/n)* I mean, there's lots of places in Alfheim you haven't been yet and other virtual worlds, there's still lots of things to do and places to see, you can't tell me you've had enough.

Yuuki: For the last 3 years we got to go on tons of adventures in other worlds but I want my very last memory to be the one I got to go on with you Asuna, (y/n).

Asuna: Yeah but can't you think of anything else you want to see or maybe do?

The sun was rising up over the horizon in a beautiful shot.

Yuuki: *thinking* I don't know, I guess maybe go to school again.

Asuna: For real?

Yuuki: Nah, forget it, just kidding. *turns around* I'm happy you want to help but don't sweat it, it's cool. I had an awesome life, really.

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