Shaking his head, Raymond said.

"I'll begin emergency surgery right now."

The Berserker's curse wasn't meant to last forever.

The cause had to be treated before her blood pressure dropped again.



The scalpel sliced through the abdominal wall.

"Hanson, tilt the liver up to get a better view. Christine, I want you to flip the stomach the other way."

The patient's diagnosis was inflammation of the gallbladder, or "cholecystitis."

The problem was that gallstones (stones made of bile) were blocking the way for bile to flow out.

'Cholangitis' was also present.

This was the reason why she hadn't gotten better despite a series of high-grade heels.

'In this case, the patient's condition will not improve unless the gallstones are removed.'

'Cholecystitis' with 'cholangitis'.

It was a serious condition with a very high mortality rate.

But fortunately, the surgery was not difficult.

Even a senior resident could do it!

"Tilt the liver up a little more, Hanson."

"Yes, Master!"

Raymond said to himself as his vision cleared.

'Skill use, the Hand of a Warrior, the Experience of a Warrior.'
(T/N: Changing "Experience of War." To this.)

[Senses: 26 36 39]

The skill's effect quickly raised his Senses stat.

He had reached the level of 'genius dexterity' among the older residents.

Raymond looked at the swollen bile duct.

'There must be a stone blockage there.'

The solution was simple: remove the stone.

"Lyndon, iron forceps."


Iron forceps.

Raymond grabbed a pair of dwarven iron forceps and tied them around the top of the blockage.

This was to prevent the stone from slipping upward.

Then he took a scalpel and sliced up and down the stuck bile duct.


That was the moment the bile duct was cut.

Bright yellow pus and bile poured out.

"This is..."

Christine gulped in surprise. The stones were lodged in her bile duct.

At first glance, there were four or five of them.

The largest one was nearly two centimeters.

'No wonder it was such a severe shock to be stuck like that.'

Raymond clicked his tongue as he carefully pulled the stones out, one by one, with iron forceps.

He didn't want to cause unnecessary damage to the bile ducts in the process, or bile could leak out and cause peritonitis later in the operation.

Raymond's heart was pounding with tension.

Without the help of the Heart of Steel, he would have been distracted.

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